In Sex Criminals Vol. 4, John and Suzie attempt to take down another person with time-stopping orgasm powers. In Starfighter Ch. 4, relationships start shifting as the big mission grows closer and Cain and Abel grow closer to each other. In Starfighter Ch. 5, the big mission is upon everyone, and Abel finds out some truths that could ruin everything for him. Enjoy my mini reviews for these three...
Posts with Tag: Starfighter Ch. 5
Technically I'm a couple days early since August hasn't quite ended yet, but eh, I don't think anything noteworthy is gonna happen within the next day or two. Time is a blur this year anyway. Everything is starting to blend together. What even happened in August? Who knows! (I don't mean to make light of the terrible things that have been happening, but it's just a constant barrage, sometimes I...