Book Review: Strange Grace by Tessa Gratton

Book Review: Strange Grace by Tessa Gratton

Every seven years, the people of Strange Grace send a willing sacrifice into the forest in exchange for health, crops, and a comfortable life, but it's only been three years, and the Slaughter Moon has risen. Rhun has always known he'd be next, but Arthur wants to be the one to go, and Mairwen is inexplicably drawn to the forest, and each will have their part to play in uncovering the secrets...
Update: Life and Books (9/9/18)

Update: Life and Books (9/9/18)

It's been another month since I've done one of these updates, and a while since I've done any discussions, because I've still been exhausted and, quite honestly, upset. I need to vent (When did my blog become my diary? I have no idea, but apparently it has.), and hopefully you'll forgive me for being so negative when I explain. (Or you can skip the intro if you don't want to read about more...
Bookish News: September/October 2018 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Releases to Get Excited About

Bookish News: September/October 2018 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Releases to Get Excited About

A new month, a new upcoming releases post! And as usual, there are some amazing-sounding books coming out that I'm excited for. A lot of sequels, actually, which seems to be a common thing for me in the fall months, for some reason. BUT, even if you haven't read the previous books in all of these series, it's never too late to start ;-) And there are some new series and standalones on my list...