Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Impeccably Dressed Characters

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Impeccably Dressed Characters

You know what I learned about myself while making this post? I apparently have a thing for layers. I also have a thing for corsets, but I already knew that. Oddly enough though, I never dress anything like the way the characters on these covers dress. Seriously, basic Kristen style is solid colored shorts, a solid colored tank top, t-shirt, or long sleeved shirt, and a scarf through my belt...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Arrows

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Arrows

I suppose this could be interpreted in a couple different ways, but my mind immediately thought *bow and arrow*, so that's what I went with. And luckily, fantasy books seem to have lots of bows and arrows! It just seems to be the weapon of choice, even if the stories exist in a time and place where higher-tech weapons are available. I suppose there's something romantic about them. Even when...