So you know how I usually choose ten covers/series for my Cover Characteristic posts? Well... Hahahahahahahahaha---Not happening this time. I don't know what happened this year, if it was just coincidence or if I started judging books more by their covers and letting myself be drawn in by all the pretty ones, but I read SO MANY books with gorgeous covers this year, and I want to share them all....
I wasn't planning on doing this tag since I've never actually done any tags before, but I figured this would be my one and only chance since the Olympics don't last very long and won't be around for another four years... So here I am! Doing my first tag. I have to admit I don't watch many of the sports, but, since I used to be a gymnast, I am always super excited about the summer Olympics just...
Irene and Andras have attempted to move another step through the afterlife only to find themselves stuck in a new place with dangerous shadows that attack them and a river of fire preventing them from getting to the castle they believe they need to reach. Meanwhile, Jonah has spiraled downward since Irene left and is desperate to cross over and save her from the trouble he believes she's...
Irene has finally decide to follow the light and cross over to the other side only to discover it's really just a dreary purgatory where billions of spirits are gathered and stuck, not knowing how to move forward. As Irene tries to figure out what to do next, she ends up with a knight and a cowboy as her companions, and they navigate the realm, filled with dangers such as phantoms and nephilim,...
This is going to be a sad commentary on my dependency on technology, but my internet and cable went down for a few hours the other night, and I had nothing to do because even the book I was reading was borrowed online, and all I could think about was how I couldn't even post a status update to tell everyone that my internet was down. And then I thought about how I was going to have to start a...
I can't do this! I can't choose just ten covers! Ok fine, I can. But there are A LOT of book covers with only the backs of people on them. Like, A LOT. And when I realized this, I told myself I wasn't going to freak out, I was just going to find some and choose ten without worrying whether I was missing other amazing ones or that I was choosing the "wrong" ones from the ones I had compiled. BUT...
I had a few incidents this week, one with the AC and one with some freaky-ass spider-looking/giant-mosquito-looking bugs, but both were handled without too much trouble. And I even have a bit of good news this week! So I have this *other* laptop that was the first laptop I ever owned and served me well for like six years (ok maybe not *well* for the last couple years, but it worked, at least)...
Irene finds herself on the side of the road but can't remember how she got there or exactly what happened last night; it's not until she meets Jonah, a 14-year-old boy with a passion for all things afterlife, that she realizes she's dead. But being stuck as a ghost on earth where no one can hear her, the food has no taste, the alcohol doesn't get her drunk, and terrifying monsters attack her...
Ugh, I have bad news, guys: my computer broke. It acted up one night and just kept turning on and off by itself, but then it worked fine again the next day. I ran some scans and updates, but they found nothing. I turned my computer off at the end of the day, and that was when it decided to break for real. I didn't lose much (just a couple book reviews which is disheartening but not dire), but...