I like doing these opening lines posts. I never remember what the opening lines of books are, so it's always interesting to go back and see them. Also interesting to see the variety they have. I tend to choose books pretty randomly and just see what I get, so these aren't the ones I think are good or bad or anything, they just are. (Though I do like to choose a favorite, because why not?) As I...
My favorite books of the year! Who doesn't love talking about books they loved? Some of these were ones I'd been looking forward to, and they didn't disappoint. Some were sort of spontaneous reads. Some I didn't really know if they'd be my kinda book, but they surprised me in the best way. So here, in no particular order, are my top ten(ish) reads of 2022, plus a few other things I...
Gay ghost books! Well, the books are gay, not necessarily the ghosts, though there are quite a few of those too. These are mostly m/m romance, some are not necessarily romance but are about mlm characters. One has a ghost love interest, most have ghosts who are a problem, and the rest have ghosts that have some other role in the story. (Sorry if you're disappointed by only one ghost love...
As if life isn't already hard enough being a gay Jewish teen in 1800s Chicago trying to save money for his family to come to the US, Alter ends up possessed when his friend is murdered. But his friend is one of many in a string of murders of Jewish boys, and now Alter, a girl from his building, and the boy he thought he'd cut from his life a year ago must find the killer if they want to save...
I’ve had a very hard time focusing on anything lately, so I haven’t done much. I think I’ve mostly watched YouTube. I did a little gaming though! I started a new Sims 3 game with sexy cowboys. It probably won’t hold my attention long, but I’m having fun with the horses and chicken coops and...