Book Review: The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black

Book Review: The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black

When Tana wakes up after a party to find everyone but herself, her now-infected ex-boyfriend, and a tied-up vampire have been slaughtered by vampires who are still in the house, she quickly rescues the other two survivors and escapes with them to the nearest Coldtown---a walled city where vampires are sent to live. Knowing she might be infected herself, she plans to wait out the time and then go...
Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2017

Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2017

Gah, you all know how much I love book covers, so I literally look forward to this post all year. I didn't go quite as crazy as I did last year, but I suppose I went crazy enough. But hey, it's the end of the year! And covers are pretty to look at! And people worked hard to make these! So the more, the merrier, I say. But, though I love all of these, I did pick ten to discuss and managed to...
Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known Books about Vampires

Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known Books about Vampires

As your friendly, neighborhood vampire-loving book blogger, I feel it is my duty to promote all the great vampire books out there. Ok, I actually just made that up because it sounded good. But that doesn't make it any less true! I do in fact love vampire books, and I feel like they've gotten a bad rap over the years. So whether you're already a die-hard vampire fan or are just a fan of good...
The Weekly Update: 10/1/17

The Weekly Update: 10/1/17

I need a new name for these posts since they don't seem to happening weekly anymore. This time it's not entirely my fault though. I was going to start doing them every other week, and then freaking Hurricane Irma showed up and screwed up everything. My family and our houses were all fine since the hurricane ended up not hitting any of us directly, but I lost power for nine and a half days, then I...
The Weekly Update: 9/3/17

The Weekly Update: 9/3/17

Whew! It has been over a month since I have done a Weekly Update, and I have so much stuff to share all in one post now that it's a little overwhelming. I'm still not sure I'll be doing these every week though. I might switch to every other week or monthly. I'll figure something out eventually....
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Hands

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Hands

Wow! There are A LOT of gorgeous book covers out there that prominently feature hands on them. I had a ridiculously hard time narrowing down my choices, so I can definitely see this being a topic I do a part 2 for---there are so many more covers I still want to share with you all! But, as usual, I somehow managed to choose just ten ;-) and I don't have a whole to say about hands other than they...