Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2020

Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2020

It's the end of another year, and that means it's time to do all my bookish end of the year posts! Yay! I don't do a lot of posts about book covers anymore, but I do so love a pretty cover. Good artwork and/or good, cohesive design *chef's kiss* So anyway, here are all my favorite covers from the books I read in 2020! *I did my best to find cover artists, but I just couldn't find the info for...
Update: Life and Books (Oct 2020)

Update: Life and Books (Oct 2020)

This post is going up on November 1st, and the US presidential election is the 3rd (though apparently there's going to be a delay for results). So depending on when you see this, I'm either very worried, very upset, or very relieved. Well, moderately relieved, at least. Fingers crossed, everybody. Now, what did I do in October? I watched (well, mostly listened to, thank you Netflix for the...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Silhouettes

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Silhouettes

You don't even KNOW how tempted I was to make this week all red, white and black covers. I don't know why so many silhouette covers are those colors, but I'm sure not complaining. Anyway, this was not hard, but it still wasn't as easy as I thought it would be to find ten I really loved. Part of the problem is that there's a big overlap between this topic and book covers featuring circus, and I...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Historical Fantasy Books I’ve Read

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Historical Fantasy Books I’ve Read

This topic came at a perfect time because I've recently discovered, contrary to what I previously believed, that I really like historical fantasy. I know historical *fantasy* is not quite the same as non-fantasy historical books since they often alter the history, but I've found they still make interesting use of the settings and cultures, and it's still different than if the book had been set in...