Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read & Games I Played in 2024

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read & Games I Played in 2024

I wasn't going to do a top ten characters post this year, but then I remembered it would be a great excuse to talk about Gale from Baldur's Gate 3... So I'm doing a top ten characters post! I only have seven, it's just easier to keep the title and picture consistent each year. Also I'm going to be a bit lazy and copy+paste quotes from my reviews for some of the character descriptions. Work...
Book Review: Dream On (The Hunter and the Spider Book 4) by E.M. Jeanmougin & Jay Wright

Book Review: Dream On (The Hunter and the Spider Book 4) by E.M. Jeanmougin & Jay Wright

🌟One of my faves!🌟 Back in NY, Jasper is still struggling with the trauma of what he's been through recently and feeling even worse because it's affecting his relationship with Crimson. But Crimson's family is in town, as well as a new stranger who may have answers about Jasper, and there's always some new trouble and danger the pair have to deal...
Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known M/M Urban Fantasy Series

Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known M/M Urban Fantasy Series

I love paranormal and urban fantasy! I could give tons of recommendations, depending on how loosely you define "urban fantasy." For this, I tried to stick to what most people probably think of---our world (though maybe with known existence of magic), modern times, not too slow or rural, at least some action/battles---though I did slip a few in that don't fit the criteria perfectly. I could give...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2021 + Some Non-Bookish Things

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2021 + Some Non-Bookish Things

Time for my last, but certainly not least, blog post of the year. My favorite books and series! (Also games and podcasts and one movie and one show, because why not!?) I guess I really don't need to ramble here, the post will speak for itself. So out of the roughly 150 books I read this years, here are my ten(ish, because series) favorites, in no particular order except for the last two, and...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read in 2021

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read in 2021

Characters! I love 'em. But I especially love some of them. And that's what this post is about! As I sometimes do, despite the post title, I've included a couple non-book characters. This is my one chance to really gush about all the characters I love, I'm not gonna pass that up. I have to admit, taking up five of the ten (technically twelve) spots, this is a vampire-heavy list 😅 I do...
Book Review: Friends in Low Places (The Hunter and the Spider Book 2) by E.M. Jeanmougin & Jay Wright

Book Review: Friends in Low Places (The Hunter and the Spider Book 2) by E.M. Jeanmougin & Jay Wright

Jasper is back with the hunters in order to keep Crimson (werespider) and his new friends safe, but Jasper has difficulty balancing being a hunter with his new understanding that not all demons are bad. Meanwhile, there's a murderous vampire pack in town, and things get complicated when Jasper and Crimson both end up in danger because of...