I love paranormal and urban fantasy! I could give tons of recommendations, depending on how loosely you define "urban fantasy." For this, I tried to stick to what most people probably think of---our world (though maybe with known existence of magic), modern times, not too slow or rural, at least some action/battles---though I did slip a few in that don't fit the criteria perfectly. I could give...
*Announcer voice blasts out over the speakers*: And now... it's time for the main event! The cream of the crop! The cherry on top! The one, the only, the top ten books of the year post! RAAAAAAHHHHHHHH (Just humor me and imagine crowd sounds here.) Well that was fun! Maybe I should intro all my blog posts with an announcer... Anyway, this has been a weird year. Perhaps that explains why it was...
Next up for my end of the year posts is characters! The lifeblood of books! I just thought it was interesting to note that four of these are main characters, one is a love interest, three are side characters, and two are kind of cheating since I chose all the main characters. I could ramble some for the intro, but eh, no point in wasting time, let's just get to all of the characters I loved...
Nathan's back from the Veil, but he's so broken and changed that he's not even sure he knows how to live anymore, let alone fight in the oncoming battle that will determine the fate of the world. Nathan will have to rely on his loved ones and find confidence in himself if he's going to have any chance of beating...
Nathan, Jim, and Sasha still need to find out which dark fae owns the bounty on Nathan in order to save him before he's taken, so they continue following leads around the country and hunting down dark fae. But Nathan's time is running out, and Jim's changeling powers are growing stronger and bringing his awakening ever...
My blog is five years old! (Well, a couple days ago, if we're being exact.) And although lately I haven't been blogging as much as I used to, I still love books, and I figured a fun way to celebrate my blogoversary would be to talk about my favorite books and series. I decided to stick with finished series, because that made it less complicated, but it's also all the more reason to give some...
Brothers Nathan and Jim have spent their whole life on the run because of hunters who want to kill Jim for being born with fae blood. Then Nathan ends up with a dark fae bounty on his head, Jim's powers start emerging, and Nathan finds himself having feelings for the very male Sasha, the incubus the two brothers must turn to for help. But his newfound romance won't matter if the three of them...
I felt like doing something Christmassy on the blog this year, apparently I'm becoming a more festive blogger :-P so I went and found a good book tag for the holiday season :-) The original is here on YouTube at LizzieLovesBooks, and, as usual, I tag anyone and everyone who wants to join...
I have no idea what characters other people like or dislike, and I mostly read indie books, so this week's topic is another one of those topics that's just too difficult for me. That's why I've tweaked it! I've come to realize there are certain things that usually make me immediately start to love a character. I'm not talking the typical personality traits like brooding or sarcastic---those are...
I'm pretty sure I've already talked about all these books and series roughly 27 times each this year, but what can I say? They are my favorites! They're also the books that don't get the attention they deserve---something I keep trying to change! (Some of these first in series are free on Amazon, so check 'em out!) I have had an AMAZING book year though and am keeping my fingers crossed that next...