Bookish Tag Post: You’re Not Good Enough Tag

Bookish Tag Post: You’re Not Good Enough Tag

This sounds like it's going to be a really sad or mean kinda tag, right? But don't you fret, it's actually really fun. The way it works is, you take 30 characters from books you've read, you choose two to use for each question, then you decide which is the better of the two for the answer. I tried to keep this as random as possible, so I chose the books mostly randomly by using my Goodreads...
Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known Books about Vampires

Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known Books about Vampires

As your friendly, neighborhood vampire-loving book blogger, I feel it is my duty to promote all the great vampire books out there. Ok, I actually just made that up because it sounded good. But that doesn't make it any less true! I do in fact love vampire books, and I feel like they've gotten a bad rap over the years. So whether you're already a die-hard vampire fan or are just a fan of good...
Book Review: The Key to Erebus (The French Vampire Legend Book 1) by Emma V. Leech

Book Review: The Key to Erebus (The French Vampire Legend Book 1) by Emma V. Leech

Jehenne has recently moved in with her grandmother in France and is shocked to discover that not only are all sorts of supernatural creatures real, she herself is a powerful witch. Her first meeting with the mysterious and dangerous vampire Corvus doesn't go well, neither does the second when he tries to kill her, but she soon finds herself drawn to him and pulled deeper into the supernatural...
The Weekly Update: 1/1/17

The Weekly Update: 1/1/17

Happy New Year, everyone! Does anyone else think it's kind of awesome that the first day of the new year falls on a Sunday? I still consider Sundays to be the start of the week (even though it seems that Monday has become the new start of the week for most people for some reason), so I think it's cool. But anyway... I have to admit that my year isn't off to a very good start. I still have tennis...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Traits that Make Me Love a Character

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Traits that Make Me Love a Character

I have no idea what characters other people like or dislike, and I mostly read indie books, so this week's topic is another one of those topics that's just too difficult for me. That's why I've tweaked it! I've come to realize there are certain things that usually make me immediately start to love a character. I'm not talking the typical personality traits like brooding or sarcastic---those are...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Female Characters from Books I’ve Read This Year (2015)

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Female Characters from Books I’ve Read This Year (2015)

It's actually not often that I find female characters I love or even like. It's not that I don't like females---I am one! But I don't seem to relate to them as often in books. Maybe it's just how they're written, what with all the pressure there is on writing females. That's why, when I do find one I like, I get ridiculously excited and obsess over them. And I'm so happy to found a few amazing...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Words of Wisdom from Books I’ve read This Year

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Words of Wisdom from Books I’ve read This Year

I'm finally back to TTT! I haven't participated the past few weeks because the topics weren't for me, but quotes? I couldn't resist quotes. The problem though is that I love quotes too much. I'm a quote fiend. I regularly highlight (in my Kindle, no need to have a conniption about me defacing my books, fellow book lovers) between 50 and 100 quotes in any given book I read. And considering I've...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Paranormal Creatures I Like to Read About

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Paranormal Creatures I Like to Read About

I love urban fantasy and paranormal romance, so I absolutely couldn't resist my chance to talk about my favorite genres. And one of the things I love most is seeing the different way paranormal creatures are portrayed by different authors. I usually prefer the "good" kinds, the ones who are the protagonist or the love interest or the best friend and are technically monsters but still have a good...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Book Tropes that Have Become an Epidemic and Need to Stop

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Book Tropes that Have Become an Epidemic and Need to Stop

We've gotta stop with these freebies--the indecision is killing me! But I kinda made the graphics for this post weeks ago and was too tired to change them, so... Disclaimer! I read mostly fantasy and sci-fi, so all of these tropes may not apply to other genres. They're also not all exactly tropes, but I had to choose a word or I'd just be calling them "things that annoy me" which makes for a...