Gah, you all know how much I love book covers, so I literally look forward to this post all year. I didn't go quite as crazy as I did last year, but I suppose I went crazy enough. But hey, it's the end of the year! And covers are pretty to look at! And people worked hard to make these! So the more, the merrier, I say. But, though I love all of these, I did pick ten to discuss and managed to...
Posts with Tag: The Land of Night
I found this tag at Dinasoaur, the original is from the ReadingRealm booktube channel, and it seemed like a really good one since you don't have to have read any of the same books or even have the same taste as any other readers/bloggers in order to have fun with it. It's just all about titles! And I stuck mostly to titles of books I've read since I would've had too much choice and gotten...
Scarlet and Liall have finally made it to Liall's homeland, but they are far from safe---if anything they're in even more danger because of the Rshani hatred for Hilurin, the political intrigue of the royal court, and the current power struggle for the crown, and Liall knows there are some who wouldn't hesitate to hurt Scarlet in order to get to him. As if that weren't enough, a rift starts...
My tennis elbow is back :-/ I knew this would be an ongoing battle. I know I'm not good at resting injuries, but I really thought I had been doing better with resting this one than with pretty much any injury I've ever had in the past. *sigh* In better news, I completely forgot to buy peppermint oil when I went shopping -_- but I think the cold weather finally got rid of the last of the ant...
Snow just seems like the perfect topic for December, yes? Plus it turns out it makes for some very pretty and magical covers. Plus some of my favorite covers have snow on them. Also, I don't get snow where I live, so snowy covers have this almost fantastical quality to me (whether the books are fantasy or not) and really transport me in a way that other covers don't, so I like them. So basically,...
This isn't a discussion about if we're drawn to pretty covers because, let's face it, we are. And for the most part, we bookworms don't deny it. That's not to say we never read books that don't have pretty covers, at least I know I do sometimes, but we still love to obsess over and read the books with pretty ones. But the cover has absolutely zero bearing on the writing inside, so why do we...