Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Tentacles

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Tentacles

Tentacles is kind of an odd topic for me to choose since I don't read a whole lot of books that involve tentacles. What kind of books involve tentacles anyway? Books set out at sea? Maybe books about weddings if comedian Demetri Martin were writing them? I've read a few books that had kraken in them, and one of them did in fact take place out at sea. I also read a couple of books in a series that...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers from Books I Read in 2015

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers from Books I Read in 2015

Now that 2015 is coming to an end, I really wanted to share some of the amazing book covers I have fallen in love with. But I've realized I'm kind of a bitch when it comes to book covers, and I've become one even more so as the year has gone on and I've seen more and more of them. I was going to write this whole spiel about what I do and don't like in book covers, but I've decided to save it for...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Read in 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I Read in 2015

I'm pretty sure I've already talked about all these books and series roughly 27 times each this year, but what can I say? They are my favorites! They're also the books that don't get the attention they deserve---something I keep trying to change! (Some of these first in series are free on Amazon, so check 'em out!) I have had an AMAZING book year though and am keeping my fingers crossed that next...
Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (11)

Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (11)

Happy late Thanksgiving/unofficial start of the holiday season to everyone! Did everyone have a good Thanksgiving? Did everyone survive Black Friday without being trampled? Did anyone actually go out at midnight on Thanksgiving? (Don't even get me started about that. Pretty soon Black Friday will be starting in August.) I actually did not even leave the house on Friday. No thank you, mobs. I'm...
Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Fish

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Fish

I'm really excited about this week's cover characteristic (Do I say that every week? I feel like I probably do.), which is odd because I don't like fish. I don't like how they smell, how they taste, how they feel. I dislike fishing even more. What I do like, however, are the book covers I found! Some of them are actually some of my all-time favorites. It was a little difficult to find TEN good...
Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (9)

Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (9)

Hello, my lovely fellow readers and bloggers! Unfortunately, once again, I don't have a whole lot to say. It was another slow week on the blog, only three posts, but two of them were about AMAZING books that you should totally go read, so that counts for something, right? It was also kind of a slow, but still exhausting, week off the blog. I think the most exciting part of it would either have to...
Book Review: The Sea Witch (The Era of Villains Book 1) by S.J. Valfroy

Book Review: The Sea Witch (The Era of Villains Book 1) by S.J. Valfroy

Serena is madly in love, but, unfortunately, she's only a maid at the castle and Triton is the prince who doesn't even know she exists. Serena has always shunned her sea witch powers, growing up witness to the manipulative, terrible ways her mother uses her own, but, when the cruel words of Queen Amphitrite push her over the edge, Serena just might be ready to use them, unaware that it just might...