The title is selling this post a little bit short because it's not just tweets about weird things, it's also cute things and a bit of rambling and some extra picture to boot! The Sims Medieval is a great game, and I just wanna talk about it. I didn't know what to expect when I started playing this one, since it's different from the main games. You create sims to fill roles within the kingdom...
Posts with Tag: The Sims
A little peak behind the curtain, I wrote this post months ago and then never got around to posting it and now haven't played The Sims 3 a while. Anyway, I'm just gonna leave what I wrote. It was nice, and I'm honestly too tired right now to try and rewrite it. *** I will get to the funny below, but first, a moment for some Sims feels. I've been playing a lot lately with my oldest Sims 3...
I've made multiple blog posts about The Sims 3 because that's what I play most, and I have one about The Sims 1, and something interesting I've noticed is that each iteration of the game has its own unique flavor of weirdness. I'll be honest, I've become so disappointed in The Sims 4 (not that I ever loved it, but I gave it a chance) that I almost didn't want to do this post, because this sort...
I'm back with more Sims 3 nonsense! Not too many this time (though there is a whole thread with multiple tweets), but there's a real variety---witches, aliens, werewolves, and even a tragic magician. I even included some bonus screenshots this time. I hope you get as much entertainment as I did from these silly shenanigans! (Matthew and Elliott seem to feature in a lot of these, including...
You all know I love talking about the ridiculous things that happen in my Sims games, but, some time ago, I decided to try playing the original The Sims game again. It was the first version of the game I ever played, back in elementary school. I figured it'd be fun for like half an hour, just for the nostalgia. Imagine my surprise when I kept playing and playing and wanting to go back to it!...
Technically I'm a couple days early since August hasn't quite ended yet, but eh, I don't think anything noteworthy is gonna happen within the next day or two. Time is a blur this year anyway. Everything is starting to blend together. What even happened in August? Who knows! (I don't mean to make light of the terrible things that have been happening, but it's just a constant barrage, sometimes I...
It's been another month since I've done one of these updates, and a while since I've done any discussions, because I've still been exhausted and, quite honestly, upset. I need to vent (When did my blog become my diary? I have no idea, but apparently it has.), and hopefully you'll forgive me for being so negative when I explain. (Or you can skip the intro if you don't want to read about more...
I haven't posted one of these update posts since the 31st, so of course I have to say, it's a new year! And a new year has brought with it a new post title! Yep, I switched from "The Weekly Update" to "Life and Books" since these posts aren't weekly anymore. I'm trying out the new title, seeing how I like it. Anyway, I am having the most amazing start to my bookish year! (If only my real life...
I guess I'll state the obvious: It's the last day of 2017! I think we can all concur that this year in general has been a mess. And it seems lots of people have had individually bad years as well. It hasn't been my best year, but, honestly, none of the past few years have. So... that's why I want to use this post to talk about some of the positive things that I've done or that have happened to...
Let's see, what happened in the past two weeks... Well, I caved and installed The Sims 3 onto my current computer (I was playing it on my slow, noisy, half-broken laptop before, but now I'm using my grandma's old desktop), which means I'll now just end up wasting even more time playing since it runs better and all I have to do is click a button instead of hooking up my monitor to the other...