It's that time again for book covers! I think I have fewer than usual this year, believe it it not, since I read fewer books. Still have plenty though! I've said before and will say again that a book doesn't need an expensive, perfect cover. I would rather something basic or a stock photo than an AI cover. (If you don't believe me, check out my favorite books post that will come out soon!)...
So I fell behind on blogging a bit in May. I was feeling more rundown than usual and just wasn't up to making blog posts. When I was feeling well enough to do stuff and focus, I was---big surprise---playing Baldur's Gate 3. I'm on my sixth playthrough and still having fun, finding new things, falling more and more in love with all the characters. It has also become more and more of a dress-up...
Guess what, everyone! I have something cool to share this time that isn't about games! It's peacocks! Well peacock. I heard a weird noise outside, so I opened my curtains and found this! Wild peafowl have lived around here for a long time. I saw some in front of the house once, like five years ago. But having one just outside my window with tail feathers all spread and everything was genuinely...
I know my monthly updates have mostly been about games lately, but, uh... this one is also going to be about games 😅 (Also some books though!) Honestly, everything has just felt like a lot lately. So I have retreated into games. Is that the healthiest thing to do? Well, I'm chronically ill and disabled, so I don't have a lot of options, and it's certainly healthier...
Guess what's back... back... back... Back again... 'gain... 'gain... It's queer sci-fi/fantasy books I'm excited for! That's what's back back back! I'm doing two parts again because I'll stick to books releasing in the first half of the year now and do another one of these halfway through the year. I'm also sticking to standalones or new series. So many great-sounding books coming out...