Bookish Musings: Why Readers Like Characters Who Have Done Awful Things (+ Some Thoughts on The Vampire Chronicles)

Bookish Musings: Why Readers Like Characters Who Have Done Awful Things (+ Some Thoughts on The Vampire Chronicles)

The creation of this post has been a curvy path. The original idea came about because of something in The Vampire Chronicles. It got me thinking, so I ended up writing a post about whether rape in books can ever be forgivable. But then I ended up on this whole tangent of why readers might still like a character who has done something bad or seemingly unforgivable. So I decided, instead of...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read in 2017

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read in 2017

This post was harder than I thought it would be. Not because I didn't read about any great characters but because---and this sounds weird to say---I don't know what I should consider my "favorite" anymore. Characters who are complex and superbly well-written? Characters who are likeable people? Characters who make me feel for them? Characters I want to date or be friends with? So I decided to...
Bookish Musings: Horror Books I’ve Read (Even Though I Don’t Read Horror)

Bookish Musings: Horror Books I’ve Read (Even Though I Don’t Read Horror)

I am a total chicken when it comes to horror. Really, I just can't handle it. I can probably count on my hands the number of scary movies I've watched, I have literally absolutely zero desire to go to things like Halloween Horror Nights, I don't particularly enjoy being scared the way some people do, and, well, I guess that has translated over into my reading since I don't really read horror...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Series I’ve Read This Year

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Series I’ve Read This Year

I had to edit the topic a bit because I literally had NOTHING for the original. Finished series that I want to read and have started but not yet finished? What is that? What does that even mean?! I'm a binge reader! If I like a series, I'll read a book, sometimes two, a day until I finish it. I just can't help myself. Seriously, I don't understand all you people who can just take a year long...