So you know how I usually choose ten covers/series for my Cover Characteristic posts? Well... Hahahahahahahahaha---Not happening this time. I don't know what happened this year, if it was just coincidence or if I started judging books more by their covers and letting myself be drawn in by all the pretty ones, but I read SO MANY books with gorgeous covers this year, and I want to share them all....
Irene has finally decide to follow the light and cross over to the other side only to discover it's really just a dreary purgatory where billions of spirits are gathered and stuck, not knowing how to move forward. As Irene tries to figure out what to do next, she ends up with a knight and a cowboy as her companions, and they navigate the realm, filled with dangers such as phantoms and nephilim,...
I can't do this! I can't choose just ten covers! Ok fine, I can. But there are A LOT of book covers with only the backs of people on them. Like, A LOT. And when I realized this, I told myself I wasn't going to freak out, I was just going to find some and choose ten without worrying whether I was missing other amazing ones or that I was choosing the "wrong" ones from the ones I had compiled. BUT...
I had a few incidents this week, one with the AC and one with some freaky-ass spider-looking/giant-mosquito-looking bugs, but both were handled without too much trouble. And I even have a bit of good news this week! So I have this *other* laptop that was the first laptop I ever owned and served me well for like six years (ok maybe not *well* for the last couple years, but it worked, at least)...