Cover Love: Book Covers with Fall Vibes

Cover Love: Book Covers with Fall Vibes

Ok, fine, to be honest, I mostly just found books with sorta orange color palettes. That counts as fall vibes, right? At least one of these has leaves on it, so that's something 😅 Anyway, most of these probably aren't fall-themed books (I've read most of them, I just don't remember what season they're set in), but they still have pretty...
Book Review: The Fall (Thieves of Fate Book 2) by Tracy Townsend

Book Review: The Fall (Thieves of Fate Book 2) by Tracy Townsend

Eight months ago, 13-year-old Rowena and ex-mercenaries Anselm and the Alchemist were pulled into a dangerous situation involving a book that contains the Creator's ongoing notes on nine selected beings and their lives. Now they're being offered a job to help Chalmers with his continued research. Meanwhile, Gammon attempts to get the aigamuxa on her side, and the lanyani work on their own...
Author Chat: Love is a Many Splendored Thing (Guest Post by Tracy Townsend)

Author Chat: Love is a Many Splendored Thing (Guest Post by Tracy Townsend)

I've read the first two books in Tracy Townsend's Thieves of Fate series, and my favorite thing about them is the relationships between the characters, so I'm super excited to have a guest post from the author today about that exact thing! I love finding books that have strong bonds between characters, so I found her thoughts really interesting, and hopefully you will too. To celebrate the...
Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2018

Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2018

I feel like this is my most anticipated post every year. I mean, I don't know what you all anticipate, but *I* anticipate it. Book covers are my jam. Little mini works of art! So I love looking back through what I've read and finding the most gorgeous ones. I don't know if book covers have been getting prettier, or if I've just been more drawn to pretty ones since I started blogging, but wow, I...
Update: Life and Books (12/2/18)

Update: Life and Books (12/2/18)

I wanna start by letting my fellow bloggers know that I've not been avoiding you all! I've just not been doing a good job of bloghopping lately because I'm still having dental problems (here's the latest update about that---basically I've already been to 9 appointments and still have at least 10 or 11 more at the very minimum, including at least one minor surgery, but it'll probably turn out to...
Book Review: The Nine (Thieves of Fate Book 1) by Tracy Townsend

Book Review: The Nine (Thieves of Fate Book 1) by Tracy Townsend

When a book with God's ongoing notes on humanity is discovered, it ends up in 13-year-old Rowena's hands but gets stolen while she's making her delivery. She shows up at the Alchemist's beaten up and empty-handed, but he takes her in and they team up with retired mercenary Anselm as the group in search of the book's secrets set their sights on Rowena and her new...
Update: Life and Books (11/4/18)

Update: Life and Books (11/4/18)

Another month gone by! Did everyone have a good Halloween? I dressed up as a person sitting at home reading and blogging. Because I was a person sitting at home reading and blogging :-P Unfortunately my dental situation is still a mess. No dentist/specialist seems to know anything, I might need implants now (if I'm even a candidate for that), and I can't even find a doctor in my area who a)...