Book Recs: 10 Gay Ghost Books to Check Out

Book Recs: 10 Gay Ghost Books to Check Out

Gay ghost books! Well, the books are gay, not necessarily the ghosts, though there are quite a few of those too. These are mostly m/m romance, some are not necessarily romance but are about mlm characters. One has a ghost love interest, most have ghosts who are a problem, and the rest have ghosts that have some other role in the story. (Sorry if you're disappointed by only one ghost love...
Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known M/M Vampire Books (2)

Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known M/M Vampire Books (2)

A few years ago, I made a blog post with recommendations for lesser-known m/m vampire books, and I'm finally back with more! Sometimes when I do rec posts, I include books that weren't really for me because books are subjective and other people may still enjoy them. But so far, with this topic, I've been able to recommend books I personally liked or loved. For some of these books, I mention...
Mini Reviews: M/M Paranormal/Urban Fantasy – A Case of Possession, Flight of Magpie, The Long Way Home

Mini Reviews: M/M Paranormal/Urban Fantasy – A Case of Possession, Flight of Magpie, The Long Way Home

In A Case of Possession, Lucien and Stephen try to figure out where their relationship is going while they work with Stephen's group of magic practitioners to solve some murders. In Flight of Magpies, Lucien and Stephen struggle to find balance in their relationship as Stephen's work and more magical dangers keep piling up. In The Long Way Home, a psychic works with a skeptical cop to solve a...
Book Review: Rhapsody for Piano and Ghost by Z.A. Maxfield [Audiobook]

Book Review: Rhapsody for Piano and Ghost by Z.A. Maxfield [Audiobook]

Fitz is a lonely college student with no friends except his piano, when suddenly he ends up with a boyfriend, two ghosts who've decided to act as gay surrogate parents, and a long-time-ago step-brother who might be something more. Fitz's boyfriend keeps bringing trouble to his life, but his ghost dads are determined to make sure he ends up with the right person....
Update: Life and Books (Mar 2020)

Update: Life and Books (Mar 2020)

Ugh. Part of me didn't even feel like making this post because I'm just so full of stress and anxiety, as I'm sure we all are. If you want to skip the next couple paragraphs for your mental health, I won't blame you. It's just me griping and worrying, no serious news. Anyway, if you want some non-virus goodness, I've also been sharing a lot of pictures of birds and squirrels on my Twitter...
Update: Life and Books (Feb 2020)

Update: Life and Books (Feb 2020)

So, February is over, and it's been... a month. Not a good one, not a particularly worse than usual one, just a month, for me, at least. I tried three weeks of physical therapy for my weird nerve problem in my forehead, but I don't know if it's helped at all, and I'm just completely exhausted. My body can't take leaving the house that much. I'm going to try continuing with using a TENS machine...