Bookish Tag Post: The Firsts of 2023 Book Tag


This picture looks more like a birthday or anniversary sort of post, but I don’t know, I didn’t want to waste too much time looking and just grabbed something with a one in it. *shrug*

There’s something weirdly fun about looking back at the “firsts” of things. Also tags are fairly easy blog posts to make when I’m low on energy. So here we are!

I found this at Howling Libraries (I just get all my tags from her now lol), the original is from girlxoxo. It seems to have been changed some, so my questions are also a bit edited and sort of a combo of the original and newer versions, plus some of my own.

First Book Read This Year

Merry & Sprite by Dani Lakely

Brie Mine by Dani Lakely. (I don’t even know if this has a cover, so that’s the Book 1 cover above.) Technically a short story, but the first full book is already going to be used in another answer. Anyway, it’s a little story in the Holiday in Sunset Surf series, and I adore those books, they are so much fun and so sweet. Such a cute couple!

My Review

First 5-star Rating

Sword Dance by A.J. Demas

Sword Dance by A.J. Demas. Technically it was the second book that got a higher rating, but I loved the series as a whole! I loved both main characters and how they were as a couple and the non-magical fantasy setting. They were also the first full books I read, so I started the year off really well.

My Review

First Book Reviewed

The Blacksmith’s Apprentice by Bey Deckard

The Blacksmith’s Apprentice by Bey Deckard. I read it at the end of 2022, and it was the first review on my blog in 2023. It was different from my usual in that the characters were, well, furry, but I enjoyed it!

My Review

First Book By an Author I’ve Read Before

World Running Down by Al Hess

World Running Down by Al Hess. I’ve read and loved some of his other books, and this one was great as well! A fairly chill post-apoc story with a trans main character.

My Review

First Book by a Debut Author

Crescentville Haunting by MN Bennet

Crescentville Haunting by MN Bennet. I believe this was a debut, at least. It was fun, and I’ve already read another one of this author’s books and have a third on my TBR!

My Review

First Book by a New-to-Me Author

Of the Wild by E. Wambheim.

Of the Wild by E. Wambheim. This was a chill, lovely sort of book that I enjoyed.

First Book That Made Me Wish I Could Get Back the Time I Spent Reading It

Platinum Blood by Mor Ichigaya

Platinum Blood by Mor Ichigaya. I don’t wish I could get back the time I spent reading it, but this was one of the books I rated lowest this year. The story was just sorta weird. The top review on Goodreads really says it all. But it did have pretty art I enjoyed looking at!

First Audiobook

Vamps: Fresh Blood by Nicole Arend

Vamps: Fresh Blood by Nicole Arend. It sort of reminded me of my middle school Gossip Girl days. But I enjoyed it, both the story and the audio, and want to continue the series. I believe it was also a debut.

First Graphic Novel

Nether Realms: Sci-Fi Nonbinary Erotica for Gender Explorers

Nether Realms: Sci-Fi Nonbinary Erotica for Gender Explorers. An erotic comic anthology! The only anthologies I seem to read are ones with erotic comics lol. To be honest, I’ve come to the conclusion this set of anthologies are not really for me because I like more story with the sex, and these are too short for that, but I love the diversity and inclusion.


Talk to me!

What was the first book you read in 2023?
The first book you rated 5 stars?


Your Thoughts


9 thoughts on “Bookish Tag Post: The Firsts of 2023 Book Tag

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  1. Karen

    So much variety! I’d have to do a deep dive to figure out my firsts.

    The wish I could get my time back made me laugh :-))))

  2. Pingback: Book Tag: The Firsts of 2023 Book Tag | Spines in a Line