The Weekly Update: 2/7/16

So, this has been a... week.

On the downside, I had a doctor's appointment that got canceled the morning of, and rescheduling is causing me a bit of an issue. But on the upside, my bent window is finally fixed! But on the downside, the man did literally the same exact thing I tried, except it randomly worked for him which made me look like an idiot. But on the upside, I got a compliment at the grocery store!

So you see? Lots of random ups and downs. But nothing particularly big or exciting in my real life, just a lot of stress over personal things, so on with the bookish-ness because the bookish-ness makes me happy!

Blog/Bookish Updates:

I was contacted by my first [indie] publisher to receive ARCs! (Well, eARCs, but that’s perfectly fine with me.) It makes me feel like I must be doing something right 😛

But UGH. I’m so tired of my site getting screwed up because of these damn WP updates. This time it’s my script font getting cut off on the bottom. I haven’t even the vaguest idea how to fix it because it’s staying cut off like that even when I change font size, line height, etc. And it appears to only be happening in Firefox. So I don’t even know.

Books I Finished:


His Master’s Summons was a Netgalley read that I almost didn’t pick up because how on earth did I ever decide on books before I had GR and Amazon for reviews? But I went for it and ended up loving it. I didn’t quite finish my reread of Lexi Blake’s Thieves series, but I’m enjoying it just as much as I did the first time because the series may have me rolling my eyes sometimes but the characters are so three-dimensional and lovable they feel like family to me. If you’re interested, my review for the first book can be found here.

Song of the Week:

“The Harold Song (Deconstructed)” by Ke$ha – Ok, I know there’s a lot of Ke$ha hate, but hear me out. I will fully admit to liking her autotuned party songs (they make me happy and pump me up to workout), however, she also has songs that have never been played on the radio that sound nothing like those, and she actually has a great voice. This is a “deconstructed” version (i.e. a lot of the background and editing was removed) of one of those songs.
“Blow (Deconstructed)” by Ke$ha – Yes, I’m sharing two songs this week because this is another “deconstructed” song, but it’s one of her popular ones, and it’s incredible how different and beautifully creepy it sounds without the crazy party background music.

In Case You Missed It:

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Skylines
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Historical Fantasy Books I’ve Read
Discussion: Pros and Cons of Rereading
Book Review: Cogling by Jordan Elizabeth
Book Review: His Master’s Summons (Azgarth’s Chosen Book 1) by Cassie Sweet

The Sunday Post Link-Up:

Once again, I’m linking up to The Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer 🙂


Talk to me!

How was your week?
Did you find any good books or music or do anything exciting?


Your Thoughts


24 thoughts on “The Weekly Update: 2/7/16

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  1. Greg

    Hopefully this week the upsides outweigh the downsides. 🙂 Four books is good, I read one and called that good LOL. There were times this week I just didn’t feel like reading. I did make it to a bookstore though and that helped as I found about 5 books I want to read… need some new blood. 🙂 Congrats on the aRC’s.

    Ke$ha’s alright, I like some of her stuff. She can sing, no doubt.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Thanks 🙂 Yeah, four books is a good amount for me in a week, I’ll finish my series reread this week. But I get it, as much as we love books, sometimes we just need a break. Glad you found some new books to get you out of the slump!

      Sad that you’d never know she can sing by the songs that were chosen to be famous.

  2. Deborah

    Oh good news Kristen to get access to the new source for ARCs and eARCs.

    As for your mixed week… don’t you hate that when you’ve tried something and it never works and someone else does it and it does… and you tell them you tried but then you think they don’t believe you?! Happens to me… All. Of. The. Time.

    Nice that you had some positives this week though!


    1. Kristen Burns

      Thanks! But ugh, yes, it’s so frustrating when the same exact thing you did works for someone else! Not to mention it could’ve saved us both the trouble of having him come look at it at all -_- At least I’m not the only one is happens to lol.

  3. Daniela Ark

    hahahahaha WTH Kristen??? you had me up and down in those two little paragraphs. Oh you are good. 🙂 I can’t wait to read your dystopian. 🙂 GET IT DONE GIRL! 🙂 [Glad you got that issue addressed though]

    Congrats! you are important now swoon 🙂 so happy for you. Yes, I think you are doing pretty much everything right, Read and review a lot, Frequent good content. Good at socializing with us your readers. So I foresee more success 🙂

    Ugh sorry to hear about WP. OK. I’m stopping now. You now how I get with that topic. 🙂

    1. Kristen Burns

      Haha, I’m glad at one person has faith in my writing and is looking forward to my book.

      You are so sweet!!! Thank you 🙂

      Lol, well, at least my issue is not a HUGE problem, or I’d be freaking out. It’s just aggravating when I don’t even do anything, don’t change anything, don’t touch any files, and it just randomly screws itself up -_-

  4. Red Iza

    OK, I read your post then added that series by Lexie Blake to my to-read pile 🙂 I saw on Goodreads that you have Summoned by Rainy Kaye on your list, do read it, it’s excellent ! Have a great week, with more ups than downs 😉

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yay! I love introducing people to books I love 😀 Summoned is one of the books I’m definitely planning on reading and want to read soon. I keep pushing it back for some reason, but I just need to read it already! Thanks 🙂

  5. Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library

    Sounds like a crazy week! Hope the doctor’s appointment gets rescheduled at a decent time. It’s always such a hassle to get to the doctor in the first place that a reschedule is just a nightmare. That’s great that the bent window got fixed even though it took someone else doing what you did! Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Seriously, it was enough of a hassle scheduling it in the first place -_- But yes, even if I looked like an idiot lol, I’m just glad the window is fixed, especially since it’s going to be cold tonight. Thanks, you have a great week too!

  6. Jade @ Bedtime Bookworm

    You read so much! That’s exciting about being contacted for review! Sorry about WP messing up your view in Firefox. I definitely don’t know enough about websites to help you with that. I signed up to take an ecourse by Ashely from Nose Graze to teach me some CSS and stuff and Im’ so excited about it!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Thanks, it really is exciting to me! CSS is ridiculously frustrating sometimes but also fun. It makes me feel oddly powerful to be able to change and control things exactly how I want them on my site lol. I think you’ll enjoy the ecourse 🙂

  7. Lola

    Yay for your window finally getting fixed. Although that’s weird he tried to same thing as you and it worked for him. And ugh I hate both doctor’s appointments and reschedulings. I am a big planner and I hate it when somethign doens’t go as planned or needs to get rescheduled.

    I am using firefox and your site looks normal to me. I know wordpress updates are important and I update soon usually to keep my site secure, but I also dislike it as they always cause me some anxiety about whether they are going to mess something up or not. Usually they go well, but I’ve had a few small issues, which they usually fix in the next update.

    You have a great blog, it’s no wonder an indie publisher contacted you about e-copies! I hope you’ll have a great week!

    1. Kristen Burns

      I’ve always been a planner too. And I hate going to doctors (especially since I’m scared of needles), so now it’s also prolonging my anxiety over that for another week and a half -_-

      Huh, I don’t know why it looks weird on my computer then. I really don’t know how to fix it anyway, and it’s not a huge issue, so waiting to see if it goes away with the next update is basically my plan lol.

      Thanks 🙂 You have a great week too!

  8. Laura Thomas

    I use Firefox too and it looks fine here to me. My son had monthly doctors appointments and they are always being rescheduled. I feel ya. And all of those ups and downs ended on the up side with those wonderful books:)

    1. Kristen Burns

      I don’t know why only my computer seems to be having the issue. Maybe it’s only affecting certain versions or updates or something. That especially sucks though if you’re already dealing with going of every month and are constantly being rescheduled. But yes, I did read great books this week which totally counts for something 🙂

  9. Bookworm Brandee

    Well, at least there were enough pluses to balances the minuses, right?!? 😉 Not a bad week overall. I hope this week is going well, Kristen! Congrats on being contacted by your first indie publisher!! That’s a big deal and it should make you smile. 🙂 I’m sorry to hear about your blogging woes. I don’t know why these platforms can’t keep things simple and easy for us all. Seriously. And 4 books in one week? That’s incredible. I don’t usually read quite that fast. 😉 I hope whatever you’re reading this week is wow-ing you!!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Thanks! Being contacted definitely did make me smile 🙂 But seriously, stupid updates, complicating everything all the time -_- Thanks, I hope you’re having a good week too!