Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (4)

I don't have a lot of real life news, but I did have a pretty good book week.

And I'm in a very circus-y mood now! Even though they weren't really about circus, The Dark Carousel series I read this week had a lot of mentions of circuses and carnivals, both of which I love--the fun kinds and the creepy kinds. Something about them is just so inherently creepy without even trying. Maybe The Immortal Circus should be my next read...

Reap the Shadows Comes Out on Friday!

Steel & Stone is one of my favorite series, and, since I’m super excited for the fourth book on Friday, I’ll be posting my reviews for the whole series so far this week. The series is incredibly amazing. I don’t understand why it’s not more popular. I WILL get people to read this series if it’s the last thing I do!

Finding Carter is Back

Does anyone else watch that show, or is it just me? Lol

Books I Finished

I finished five books this week, and I’ve totally crossed off missing teen, horror, black cover, haunted house, and serial killer on the bookish bingo at Du Livre and Syntax Reviews. I’m on a roll 😛

Dollhouse by Anya Allyn | books, reading, book covers
Paper Dolls by Anya Allyn | books, reading, book covers
Marionette by Anya Allyn | books, reading, book covers
Music Box by Anya Allyn | books, reading, book covers
Flex by Ferrett Steinmetz | books, reading, book covers

Song of the Week:

“Stilt Faeries” by Circus Contraption – It just seems fitting with my circus mood, plus it’s a nice and eerie instrumental that’s perfect for Halloween.

In Case You Missed It:

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers with Airplanes
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Book Tropes that have Become an Epidemic and Need to Stop
4 Star Book Review: The Nightlife San Antonio by Travis Luedke


Talk to me!

How was your week? Find any good books? Any good songs? Any good anything? Let me know!


Your Thoughts


4 thoughts on “Updates & Info: The Weekly Update (4)

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  1. Amber Elise @ Du Livre

    YOU READ FIVE BOOKS THIS WEEK ?Jebus, I’ve read 5 books this month so far. Can I be you? Awesome job getting some creepy reads in! Have you read Menagerie? I hear that one has a creepy circus feel!

    1. Kristen Burns

      You don’t wanna be me, haha. I’ve been averaging maybe three a week, but last week I was so stressed that I was like, “Screw it, I’m just gonna read instead.” And funny enough, these were all already what I was planning to read.

      Menagerie is DEFINITELY on my TBR, but my book budget small, so I’m waiting to see if it ever goes on sale. I keep a wishlist on Amazon and check it every day, so I’ll snatch it up when it does!