Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Reasons I’m Thankful for Books

I think it goes without saying that all of us book lovers are thankful for books, but how often do we actually stop to think about it?

I'm thankful for every writer, every editor, every publisher, every artist, every supportive friend and family member, every inventor, every teacher, every translator, every reader, and every single person throughout time who has impacted and influenced things to create this amazing world we live in in which we have an endless supply of amazing books in all different genres about all different things for all different ages available to us to enjoy as we please.

Because, ultimately, I'm thankful for those books and all the wonderful things they've done for me. And all those wonderful things is exactly what this post is about!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and the Bookish. This week was a Thanksgiving freebie, so my topic is:

Top Ten Reasons I’m Thankful for Books


10. Because of Books, I Stayed Out of Trouble

Actually, because of books, I also got into trouble because I would read in class when I was supposed to be paying attention. But I could’ve spent my teenage years rebelling; instead I spent them reading!

9. Because of Books, I Always Have Something to Throw at People

Just kidding, I don’t throw my books at people. That would be downright cruel. My poor, little book babies could get hurt.

8. Because of Books, I Always Have Something to Talk About

Not all non-bookworms will want to hear about the amazing (or terrible) book you just read, but I’m lucky enough to know one who does every time we talk πŸ˜› And it’s only fair that we get to talk about books when everyone else gets to talk about shows and movies, right?

7. Because of Books, I Have Made Friends

I wouldn’t have met any of you if not for books bringing us all together!

6. Because of Books, I Know More Interesting Things

Even in fiction books, you learn about things you didn’t know about before, whether it has to do with the hobby or job of a character, the setting where the story takes place, a bit of science or history that relates to the story, etc. If nothing else, you at least learn new vocabulary.

5. Because of Books, I Have Laughed and Smiled

Some times I’ve laughed so hard my stomach hurt. Other times I’ve squealed with an overflow of adorable-ness. Other times I’ve grinned like a fool. And happiness is great for you πŸ˜€

4. Because of Books, I Always Have Something to Do

It doesn’t matter where you are, what time it is, if you’re alone, or how good the wifi is—when you’ve got a book, you will never be bored! And they’re small enough to bring everywhere!

3. Because of Books, I Can Escape Life When I Need To

Everyone goes through tough times, and escaping for a little while helps relieve stress so you can better handle things. And in my tough times, books have been the thing that has helped me through them.

2. Because of Books, I Understand Other People Better

I love trying to understand other people so that I can better relate and empathize, and books have always helped me do that.

1. Because of Books, I Am the Person I Am

I’ve been reading since I was little, and I have no doubt books—the ones I loved, the ones I hated, even the ones I can’t remember—have influenced and shaped me more in more ways than I can ever know.


Talk to me!

For what reasons are YOU thankful for books?


Your Thoughts


20 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Reasons I’m Thankful for Books

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  1. Greg

    I laughed at the throwing one- yes don’t hurt the books. πŸ™‚ So true though, all of them. When you think about bookstores and all the books, it’s pretty amazing. what would we do without the bookish world? πŸ™‚

    1. Kristen Burns

      If the bookish world disappeared, I think we’d all melt into puddles of sadness. It seriously is amazing though how it all comes together. And I’m glad I could make you laugh πŸ™‚

  2. Veronika

    Haha, #10 is totally me at the moment! I’d rather read than go out and get drunk, which is an awesome things, meanwhile the fact that I’d rather read than study or pay attention on classes is not so much. #6 is one of my favorite things in reading – I LOVE that I managed to ‘learn’ about various things through reading that I might never had even heard of otherwise. That’s why I love diverse books and books about mental illness so much – they can teach me a lot about other people and the world in general.
    Lovely list! :))
    My TTT

    1. Kristen Burns

      Parents of bookworms should be so happy, right? But eh, as long as you eventually get the work done and still manage to do well enough in school, who cares if you read some during class lol. I’m glad someone else loves the learning thing though! There are just so many things to learn about in this world, and you’re right, I’d never have even thought or known about some of them if not for books.

  3. Amber Elise @ Du Livre

    I LOVE THIS LIST SO MUCH KRISTEN! Especially about staying out of trouble! :p I was the first born in my family and my mother is really upset because I was so well behaved and introverted while my bother and sister are kind of the worst.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Thank you! Haha, so just when your poor mother thought she could start taking a break is when she got the unruly children? But it seems like the parents with the bookworms always want their kids to be more outgoing, so everyone always wants what they can’t have lol.

  4. Literary Feline

    What a beautiful post! You are spot on, Kristen. I wouldn’t actually thrown a book at anyone either, although it’s sometimes tempting until I realize it would damage the book. It is next to impossible to be bored when you have a book handy. πŸ™‚

    1. Kristen Burns

      Thank you! Seriously, if I damaged my book on someone, I’d just end up even angrier with them, haha. So not worth it! But it really is great never having to worry that you might be bored when you’ve got a book with you πŸ™‚

  5. Cheyanne

    HA! Too funny. πŸ™‚
    I love that books help me understand people better. They help me delve into the human condition. Question my life. Analyze everything. They’re the best. πŸ™‚

    1. Kristen Burns

      I pretty much question my life and analyze everything even when I’m not reading books, haha, but I agree. I love books that teach me about people and make me think!