Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read in 2020

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Characters from Books I Read in 2020

Next up for my end of the year posts is characters! The lifeblood of books! I just thought it was interesting to note that four of these are main characters, one is a love interest, three are side characters, and two are kind of cheating since I chose all the main characters. I could ramble some for the intro, but eh, no point in wasting time, let's just get to all of the characters I loved...
Update: Life and Books (May/June 2020) + I Finally Made Some Art This Year!

Update: Life and Books (May/June 2020) + I Finally Made Some Art This Year!

It's been two months since I did one of these posts, and I still have nothing to talk about. No significant changes to my life or my health or my family or anything. Though the US has been a mess lately, hasn't it? Just wear masks, please. And stay home if you can. And remember that Black Lives Matter. And remember that trans women are women and trans men are men, regardless of what a certain...
Update: Life and Books (Jan 2020) + Song & Game Recs!

Update: Life and Books (Jan 2020) + Song & Game Recs!

I don't feel like talking about my health problems and doctor appointments, so I guess I'll use this intro to talk about the things I've been listening to, since that's all I've been able to do lately. I've started two more nonfiction podcasts! One is Sex Stories, a podcast where a woman interviews different people on their experiences, thoughts, etc. about sex, and I'm finding it really...
Bookish Musings: Character Names I’ve Mispronounced

Bookish Musings: Character Names I’ve Mispronounced

This is just a quick, fun post because I haven't done any fun posts or discussions in a while. I had really wanted to get something else posted today, to be honest, because I have a couple posts that really ought to be posted at the beginning of the year, but oh well. My headaches have been too much of a problem lately, and those posts require too much staring at the computer screen, so hopefully...