Mini Reviews: Paranormal/Urban Fantasy – Deadly Assessments, Cupcakes … Deadly Magic, Trinkets … Bloody Magic

Mini Reviews: Paranormal/Urban Fantasy – Deadly Assessments, Cupcakes … Deadly Magic, Trinkets … Bloody Magic

In Deadly Assessments, Fred gets evaluated by a vampire from the Blood Council and gets into more dangerous situations while Krystal is away on business. In Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic, Jade, a half-witch, gets pulled into a serial murder investigation by shifters and a vampire who suspect she had something to do with the killings. In Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic,...
Update: Life and Books (9/9/18)

Update: Life and Books (9/9/18)

It's been another month since I've done one of these updates, and a while since I've done any discussions, because I've still been exhausted and, quite honestly, upset. I need to vent (When did my blog become my diary? I have no idea, but apparently it has.), and hopefully you'll forgive me for being so negative when I explain. (Or you can skip the intro if you don't want to read about more...