Bookish Tag Post: NSFW Book Tag

Bookish Tag Post: NSFW Book Tag

I stumbled upon this book tag on YouTube and it seemed fun, plus I have been slowly losing my filter in regards to all things book-related, so I figured why not? But in case you don't know, NSFW stands for "Not Safe For Work." And, as the title suggests, I will be talking about some inappropriate things! (What fun would it be if I didn't?) So if the topic of sexy times and/or cannibalism in books...
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Book Tropes that Have Become an Epidemic and Need to Stop

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Book Tropes that Have Become an Epidemic and Need to Stop

We've gotta stop with these freebies--the indecision is killing me! But I kinda made the graphics for this post weeks ago and was too tired to change them, so... Disclaimer! I read mostly fantasy and sci-fi, so all of these tropes may not apply to other genres. They're also not all exactly tropes, but I had to choose a word or I'd just be calling them "things that annoy me" which makes for a...