Book Review: Unbury Carol by Josh Malerman

Book Review: Unbury Carol by Josh Malerman

Carol has a condition that sometimes puts her into a coma-like state that makes her appear dead, except she can still hear everything going on around her. When her best friend dies and she falls into the coma, her husband, thinking he's the last person left who knows, pretends she dead and enacts his plan to finally get rid of her. Except he forgot about James, her ex-lover, and the one other...
Bookish News: April/May 2018 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Releases to Get Excited About

Bookish News: April/May 2018 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Releases to Get Excited About

Guess what everyone? This is my first upcoming releases post! I've seen them around a lot, and they seem like fun, and I like getting excited for upcoming books, so I thought I'd give it a shot ;-) You'll have to bear with me while I experiment and figure out exactly how, and how often, I want to do these. Also, since I've always liked to support self-pub/indie authors, I'm going to try and make...
Update: Life and Books (2/25/18)

Update: Life and Books (2/25/18)

I considered not posting today because I've not been feeling great, but this post was already mostly finished. Anyway, it turns out the eye strain I've had is merely a symptom of something else since I've been having a lot of problems. The problem is, I haven't been able to pinpoint the actual cause. Usually it's a new food or vitamin or something like that, but it could be literally almost...