Game Reviews: 3 Free, Weird, Slightly Disturbing Games to Try… If You Dare – The Man Man // RUN! // With Bodies They Walk


Ok, so the title is a little dramatic, I just wanted to spice it up a bit.

I love weird little games. I’ve probably said that before, and I’ll probably say it again! There’s just something about finding some weird little free thing, and it’s not a big commitment, it’s just a few minutes or a few hours of your life, and it’s fun and charming in its own strange way.

I played these games years ago and always meant to do this post, but you know how plans go sometimes. So, it being near Halloween and me not having a book review ready (normally Wednesdays are for books), I’ve finally put this post together. But nobody ask for me details about any of these games because I don’t remember, I’m just copying + pasting what I wrote back then 😅

I don’t think any of these are too intense, but they are a bit creepy or disturbing and include things like body horror and murder. Some of them have more specific warnings on their linked pages, so do check those. But if you’re ok with the creepiness in these games, enjoy!

The Man Man by corpsepile

Blocky 3D game with a boneless man flopped face down on the floor of a living room with a glowing TV. Instructions say, 'Get the knife,' and there's a knife floating above a counter in the back of the room. There are keyboard instructions for moving body parts.

You are a boneless serial killer trying to kill someone. The fun of this game is in how completely ridiculous it is. The controls for movement are awful, and that too is part of it. Play at your own risk if you have an RSI like carpal tunnel or tennis elbow. It only takes a few minutes, and you play right in your browser. I have to give credit to the video where I first saw this game, and I recommend watching whether you play or not because the video is hilarious. (Start at 13:07)

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RUN! by Ei Kitara

Dark silhouettes of people running on a street.

This was a cool idea executed in some fun ways! It’s a visual novel, though mostly text-based, if I recall correctly. Unfortunately, pretty much everything else I could say would spoil it. You’ll just have to try it. It only took me about 30 minutes in total, so it’s a very short game.

Here is what my experience was like when I played: *SPOILER* The game page told me I had one thing to do, to run. So I did! My first playthrough, every choice I was given, I ran. And as it turns out, that is how you get the one true/good ending! At least, I think. Then I went back and did the others. Chose the not running options. In one, you go into a farmhouse, but it’s haunted, and the ending just keep playing a thing where this monster starts coming toward you and you have ten seconds to click the “run” button, but nothing happens when you click it, so you die or whatever, then it reloads to that same screen, and it just keeps happening, the monster getting bloodier and bloodier. I literally had to close the game to get out of the loop. And after I was sure I’d seen all the endings, I tried to X out of the game, and it wouldn’t let me *cries* Literally was forcing me to return and keep running lol. I don’t know if that’s what’s supposed to happen to not, but it was very immersive 😅 (I just right clicked -> “close down” in the bottom bar on my computer.) *END SPOILER*

I have it written down that this one is screen reader accessible, but that it could be difficult on choice screens because they’re timed. Especially difficult near the end.

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With Bodies They Walk by Opalizard Studios

Drawing of a tall, slender creatures with stitched together skin blushing and saying, 'I will eat your skin.'

This was such an interesting mix of silly, fun monster-smooching and dark, disturbing story! Which is exactly what I wanted from it when I read the description. (Even the description cracked me up.) There are also a few cool character designs and nice voice acting. There are even 10 different endings to find. When I played, there was no option to create multiple save points or to skip anything, so it was a little too much work for me to play it multiple times, but it’s possible that’s been updated. Still fun to play once though, and the creator has a free ending guide available, which is helpful if you do want other endings. I think this one took me a couple hours to play through once? I don’t remember exactly, but it’s not too long. Overall, just a really cool little game!

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Talk to me!

Have you played any of these slightly disturbing games?
Do you love finding free, weird little games as much as I do?


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