Book Recs: 10 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books with No Romance

Book Recs: 10 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books with No Romance

In honor of Valentine's Day, I have decided to make a post for all the people out there who are NOT looking for love! Well, not in books, at least ;-) Romance in books is great. I like it. I really do! But, on occasion, I'm just not in the mood for it. And a book doesn't have to have romance to be amazing! I can't promise there's not a single mention of romance or feelings in all of these,...
Book Review: All Darling Children by Katrina Monroe

Book Review: All Darling Children by Katrina Monroe

Madge has been raised by her Grandma Wendy since she was a child, always told that her mother died in an accident, but Madge is certain her mother is alive and is determined to find her. When a boy named Peter Pan shows up one night offering to bring Madge to her mother, she goes with him to Neverland where she discovers more about her family than she ever imagined and comes to realize the havoc...
The Weekly Update: 1/22/17

The Weekly Update: 1/22/17

Gah, I have nothing to talk about again! Umm, I cut my hair? I cut at least eight inches off, but it's still what most people would consider long, so that's probably not very exciting news lol. The hair I temp-dyed teal years ago that never actually washed out have all finally been removed though, so that's something, I suppose. Oh! I tried this frozen apple crumble thing that you cook in the...