Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Birds (2)

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Birds (2)

I did birds as a topic once before, but I've decided to do it again! (Hence the number two in the title.) What can I say, it was just a great topic, and there are so many book covers out there with birds on them that I wanted to share some more of them! By the way, fun fact since most of these cover seem to have crows, did you know crows remember human faces? In other words, don't mess with...
Bookish Musings: Ten Awesomely Interesting Book Titles (2)

Bookish Musings: Ten Awesomely Interesting Book Titles (2)

Everyone get excited because it's time for another post about weird, interesting, funny book titles! Ok, fine, maybe it's not that exciting, but it's a fun post at least, and fun is always a good reason to get excited :-D Anyway, as someone who spends a lot of time on Goodreads and the ebook section of Amazon and NetGalley and basically every other bookish site out there, I inevitably come across...