Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2021

Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2021

I love pretty book covers! They can definitely entice me to read a book I probably wouldn't have been quite interested enough in otherwise. Or make me more excited for a book I already wanted to read. Or make me want a print copy, just so I can look at it whenever I want. So, as I think I've said before, this is a post I really look forward to each year. I included some runners-up, but I...
Update: Life & Books (Oct 2021)

Update: Life & Books (Oct 2021)

Happy Halloween! Even though I'm not actually doing anything to celebrate. It's just a normal Sunday for me. Last month I was telling everyone to watch Dragonheart (which you still should, if you haven't). This month I'm telling everyone to watch Sunshine (2007)! It was another rewatch, about 11 years since I'd last seen this one. It's such a fantastic sort of sci-fi thriller. It absolutely...