Damen has some of his Akielon soldiers backing him as their king now that they've found him alive, but his identity has been discovered by the Veretians as well, and Damen will have to face Laurent, the prince who has sworn to kill him but who Damen was come to feel something for during their time together. The Regent is readying for war though and attempting to take over Akielos as well as Vere,...
Laurent is heading out to the border, but Damen has convinced Laurent to let him go with him because Damen knows the only way to protect his own people is to help Laurent beat the Regent. Damen is close to having his freedom back, but he also finds himself drawn to Laurent as he spends more time with him. But neither his freedom nor his feelings will matter if they can't outwit, out-manuever, and...
Yay, it's finally that time when I get to rave and fangirl about my favorite books of the year! Am I the only one who spends pretty much the entire year looking forward to this post? Anyway, as per usual, I made the graphic before the post, and, well, I have 11 instead of 10. (Well, technically I have 22 because of series.) But the more the merrier, right? Definitely. More books always = more...
This post was harder than I thought it would be. Not because I didn't read about any great characters but because---and this sounds weird to say---I don't know what I should consider my "favorite" anymore. Characters who are complex and superbly well-written? Characters who are likeable people? Characters who make me feel for them? Characters I want to date or be friends with? So I decided to...
Damen is the crown prince of Akielos, but, when the King dies, Damen's half-brother betrays him, takes the throne, and sends Damen to be a slave for Laurent, the cold, manipulative prince of the enemy nation of Vere. Further complicating the situation is that, in Vere, Damen is hated and known as the prince-killer for killing Laurent's older brother, and he'll have to keep his identity hidden if...