Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books I Read in 2018 (+ Some Non-Bookish Things)

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books I Read in 2018 (+ Some Non-Bookish Things)

I've already shared with you all my favorite covers and favorite characters from books I read in 2018, so that means... it's finally time to share my favorite books! I don't know why I keep calling these posts "Top Ten" when I never manage to stop at just ten. My blog is just full of lies. It sounds good as a post title though, you know? Anyway, I'm excited, as I always am for this post, because...
Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2018

Cover Characteristics: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2018

I feel like this is my most anticipated post every year. I mean, I don't know what you all anticipate, but *I* anticipate it. Book covers are my jam. Little mini works of art! So I love looking back through what I've read and finding the most gorgeous ones. I don't know if book covers have been getting prettier, or if I've just been more drawn to pretty ones since I started blogging, but wow, I...
Update: Life and Books (4/22/18)

Update: Life and Books (4/22/18)

Hello, my fellow book peeps! I've been more worn out than usual because I had blood drawn the other week and I also spent a few hours one day (or maybe two?) clearing stuff out of a room, so I haven't been very productive with blogging or reading or creative stuff lately. As for the headaches, I'm getting really frustrated. I'm now thinking maybe it's an herb/spice because those can have...
Bookish News: April/May 2018 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Releases to Get Excited About

Bookish News: April/May 2018 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Releases to Get Excited About

Guess what everyone? This is my first upcoming releases post! I've seen them around a lot, and they seem like fun, and I like getting excited for upcoming books, so I thought I'd give it a shot ;-) You'll have to bear with me while I experiment and figure out exactly how, and how often, I want to do these. Also, since I've always liked to support self-pub/indie authors, I'm going to try and make...