Yes, it's another opening lines post! What can I say? They're fairly easy but also fun and interesting. I don't pay a whole lot of attention to opening lines when I'm actually reading a book, so I like going back and seeing them in books I've read. Normally I do this completely randomly, just grabbing or looking up random books I've read. But for some reason, I came upon a lot of prologues...
I truly do not know how to start these posts anymore. September is over? October is starting? Hello, welcome, I’ve survived another month, and I’m glad you have too?? I’ve been jumping around between a lot of games lately, most of which have not been good for my head/eye problem, but sometimes I just need...
So. Another month of social distancing and staying home. How's everyone doing? I'm not super affected by the staying home thing since that's just my normal life (because chronic illness), but I am feeling all the stress of everything. It's still difficult to get all the food and supplies I need from the store. I still worry about my grandparents getting sick. I still worry about someone in my...
Since I love vampire books, it makes sense that I do, in fact, enjoy some of the vampire tropes out there. If I didn't, I probably wouldn't be a fan. And some of my absolute favorite books are about pretty typical gorgeous, brooding vampires. So I'm not complaining that books with the tropes exist. But all tropes all the time can get repetitive and boring. That's why I also happen to love when...
In Deadly Assessments, Fred gets evaluated by a vampire from the Blood Council and gets into more dangerous situations while Krystal is away on business. In Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic, Jade, a half-witch, gets pulled into a serial murder investigation by shifters and a vampire who suspect she had something to do with the killings. In Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic,...
I love reading about characters who have a hobby or something they're passionate about, especially when it makes a big appearance in the book. Usually these are things I don't know much about, so they're really interesting to me. And of course they add another layer to the character and help me understand them more. That's why I've compiled a list of ten books I've read about characters who...
It's time to talk about characters! Everyone loves a good character, right? I know I do. One of the difficulties with this post in particular is that there are multiple different ways to "like" a character. Sometimes I like a character for who they are, and I probably want to be best friends with them. Sometimes I think a character is complex and interesting, but I don't necessarily like them as...
In The Well of Tears, a teenager and his gnome boyfriend end up on a quest to find a mythical well with healing waters. In The Fangs of Freelance, a vampire accountant and his friends deal with ghosts, gangs, grand mages, and other sorts of trouble. In Straight Outta Fangton, a fairly young vampire gets mixed up in the nefarious plans of a powerful old vampire. Enjoy my mini reviews for these...
It's been another month since I've done one of these updates, and a while since I've done any discussions, because I've still been exhausted and, quite honestly, upset. I need to vent (When did my blog become my diary? I have no idea, but apparently it has.), and hopefully you'll forgive me for being so negative when I explain. (Or you can skip the intro if you don't want to read about more...
In Rebel of the Sands, a girl flees her hometown with a mysterious stranger through lands filled with magic and danger. In Bloody Acquisitions, everyone's favorite vampire accountant deals with hunters, pocket dimensions, and rival vampire clans. In Elemental Thief, a thief with magic works with an enemy to get back an artifact she stole before it ends up in the wrong hands. Enjoy my mini reviews...