Update: Life and Books (Jan 2025)

Update: Life and Books (Jan 2025)

I've decided I'm going to focus on positive things for this month's update. So first I have some art! I made fanart for I Was a Teenage Exocolonist. It started in December 2023 when someone posted on Reddit like, "I've never played, but this subreddit keeps showing up on my feed. Ask me about the game, and I'll pretend I know." Someone asked who Noctilucent should end up with, the person answered...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2020 + Some Non-Bookish Things

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2020 + Some Non-Bookish Things

*Announcer voice blasts out over the speakers*: And now... it's time for the main event! The cream of the crop! The cherry on top! The one, the only, the top ten books of the year post! RAAAAAAHHHHHHHH (Just humor me and imagine crowd sounds here.) Well that was fun! Maybe I should intro all my blog posts with an announcer... Anyway, this has been a weird year. Perhaps that explains why it was...
Book Review: How to Howl at the Moon (Howl at the Moon Book 1) by Eli Easton [Audiobook]

Book Review: How to Howl at the Moon (Howl at the Moon Book 1) by Eli Easton [Audiobook]

Lance is the sheriff of Mad Creek, a town of dogs who've become shifters, so when a suspicious new human shows up and might be growing pot, Lance uses his dog form to spy on the man in his house. But Lance soon realizes that he likes the man, and what he's doing is wrong, and he'll have to get to know Tim as a human if he wants a real relationship with...
Update: Life and Books (Mar 2020)

Update: Life and Books (Mar 2020)

Ugh. Part of me didn't even feel like making this post because I'm just so full of stress and anxiety, as I'm sure we all are. If you want to skip the next couple paragraphs for your mental health, I won't blame you. It's just me griping and worrying, no serious news. Anyway, if you want some non-virus goodness, I've also been sharing a lot of pictures of birds and squirrels on my Twitter...