Happy New Year, everyone! I don't know why I said that with so much enthusiasm. I don't actually feel enthusiastic about it. But it's still a new year, regardless of how I feel, so *shrug* I managed to squeeze in one last finished art piece though, and I am enthusiastic about that! It's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Centaur! (His nose gets cold.) (Also technically he's a cervitaur.) I'm...
I'm back with more sci-fi/fantasy Christmas book recommendations! (And one Hanukkah book this time!) When I first started making these posts, I didn't think there were that many books out there, but it turns out there are actually A LOT. I am a mood reader, and last December, the mood to read SFF Christmas romances hit me strong, so I have a lot of those here. I also have a couple that aren't...
Happy New Year! Not that it's really all that happy, but standard phrases and all that. I kind of took my time getting around to this update because of headaches and general feelings of meh. As to what I've been up to for the past month, mostly just a lot of reading. (Well, listening, but you get it.) No new games or podcasts or even movies/shows, I don't think. Didn't do anything for the...