Bookish Musings: I Want More Books about… Vampires without the Tropes & Cliches

Bookish Musings: I Want More Books about… Vampires without the Tropes & Cliches

Since I love vampire books, it makes sense that I do, in fact, enjoy some of the vampire tropes out there. If I didn't, I probably wouldn't be a fan. And some of my absolute favorite books are about pretty typical gorgeous, brooding vampires. So I'm not complaining that books with the tropes exist. But all tropes all the time can get repetitive and boring. That's why I also happen to love when...
Bookish Musings: I Want More Books about… Different Hobbies & Interests in the SFF Genre

Bookish Musings: I Want More Books about… Different Hobbies & Interests in the SFF Genre

Gosh I'm bad at writing post titles sometimes. But that's ok, hopefully the post itself will make up for it! So here's a thing I've noticed in sci-fi/fantasy books. The characters and the stories usually don't have a lot going on outside of the sci-fi/fantasy aspects and, usually, the romance. No hobbies or passions or interests or pasttimes. Occasionally they'll have some interest, but it won't...