Book Recs: 10 Beautiful, Colorful, Queer SFF Graphic Novels

Book Recs: 10 Beautiful, Colorful, Queer SFF Graphic Novels

Wow, that was a lot of adjectives. But I wanted everyone to know these graphic novels are not only queer, and not only sci-fi/fantasy, they are also very aesthetically pleasing. To me, at least. And all in color! Some of my favorite graphic novels are in black and white, so no disrespect toward that choice, but colorful comics can be a real feast for the eyeballs. Maybe I can do beautiful black...
Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2022 + Some Non-Bookish Things

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2022 + Some Non-Bookish Things

My favorite books of the year! Who doesn't love talking about books they loved? Some of these were ones I'd been looking forward to, and they didn't disappoint. Some were sort of spontaneous reads. Some I didn't really know if they'd be my kinda book, but they surprised me in the best way. So here, in no particular order, are my top ten(ish) reads of 2022, plus a few other things I...
Update: Life and Books (Aug 2022)

Update: Life and Books (Aug 2022)

I’ve had a very hard time focusing on anything lately, so I haven’t done much. I think I’ve mostly watched YouTube. I did a little gaming though! I started a new Sims 3 game with sexy cowboys. It probably won’t hold my attention long, but I’m having fun with the horses and chicken coops and...