Bookish News: 10 Queer SFF Books I’m Excited For in 2024 (Part 1)

Bookish News: 10 Queer SFF Books I’m Excited For in 2024 (Part 1)

Guess what's back... back... back... Back again... 'gain... 'gain... It's queer sci-fi/fantasy books I'm excited for! That's what's back back back! I'm doing two parts again because I'll stick to books releasing in the first half of the year now and do another one of these halfway through the year. I'm also sticking to standalones or new series. So many great-sounding books coming out...
Bookish Tag Post: Christmas Book Covers Tag [Original]

Bookish Tag Post: Christmas Book Covers Tag [Original]

I wanted to do something Christmassy and simple and fun today since Christmas is less than a week away. A few years back, I did a Halloween book covers tag, so I thought I'd do one for this holiday too. My tags are chill, so if you want to join, the only rule is to give me credit by linking back to this post! Some of the topics are difficult, so if you want to skip them or replace them or do your...