Nadya can communicate with the gods, and she may be the last cleric in Kalyazin who can do so, which is why she's been hidden away in a monastery---in the hopes that she will turn the tide of the war in favor of her country. But when her monastery is attacked by the enemy---Tranavians---she flees and teams up with three others, including a Tranavian blood mage, in order to sneak into Tranavia,...
So, February is over, and it's been... a month. Not a good one, not a particularly worse than usual one, just a month, for me, at least. I tried three weeks of physical therapy for my weird nerve problem in my forehead, but I don't know if it's helped at all, and I'm just completely exhausted. My body can't take leaving the house that much. I'm going to try continuing with using a TENS machine...
We're not too far into the year yet, but I already feel like this is gonna be a good year for books. So many amazing-sounding ones coming out! Quite a few of them in March and April. I decided to focus this post on mostly March books though and will get the rest of the April books in the next one. I also really liked including Kickstarters I found last time, so I think I'm gonna make that a...