Bookish Tag Post: The Extraordinary Means Book Tag (AKA The Post in which I Fail at Tags)


I haven’t done a tag in forever, and when I finally do, I totally fail at it! If you’re wondering how one can fail at a book tag, well, you’ll see. I could’ve just not done the tag, but it’s my blog and I do what I want!

I found this tag some years ago (it takes me a while to do posts sometimes) at Pages Unbound. The original, I think, is from Robyn Schneider, author of the book Extraordinary Means, and I tag everyone who wants to do it!

I would give up the internet for a month for a signed first edition of this book

There is no book I’d give up the internet for a month for. That is my honest answer. Actually, I don’t think I’d give up much of anything just for a signed book. I mean, I like signed books, I do, but… they’re not all that different from not-signed books at the end of the day. Same for the whole first edition thing. Just getting to own a book I love, especially if it also has a pretty cover, makes me happy.


I would give up pizza for a year if it meant I could sit next to this author on a long plane ride

I’ve already been going years without pizza for health reasons, so I’m already doing this and not even getting to meet any authors. Also? I like authors’ books, but that doesn’t necessarily make me want to have a whole conversation with them. I wouldn’t know what to say to most authors!


I would sit through a thousand hours of commercials if it would ensure that Hollywood made this book into a movie

I don’t like movie adaptations. (I told you I was going to fail at this tag. 😂) As a matter of fact, you know what I might be willing to sit through a thousand hours of commercials for? Some sort of magical power that would block commercials/ads/photos/names/fancasts/and all movie adaptation-related things, unless I want to see them, so that I would never accidentally stumble upon these things and have the images in my head ruined. (Ok that was a lie, I wouldn’t sit through a thousand hours of commercials for that either.)


I would never read a new book again if it meant I could live inside this book

That depends, do I get to be myself in the world, or will I be one of the characters/part of their lives? And if it’s the latter, do I have to go through the plot of their story? Because some of them go through awful stuff, and I don’t want any part in that. If I just get to be myself in the world… it’s going to be somewhere that has well-known and widely used magic that can improve quality of life. Also somewhere that isn’t horrible, obviously. So no dystopias or apocalypses. Probably no historical worlds, since I don’t want to be without electricity and technology and medical advances. Can’t think of any books that fit that criteria off the top of my head though.


I would let my google search history be made public if it meant I could be best friends with this author

I have no answer to this, for two reasons. Number one, I have searched some weird stuff. I admit it. For medical reasons, for writing/art reasons, and for sheer curiosity reasons. Reason two, I don’t want to be best friends with someone just because they’re an author. I want to be best friends with someone because of who they are and how we get along. I don’t know who most authors are as people, so how am I supposed to choose one ahead of time? Anyway, a true friend wouldn’t make me publish my search history for them. They’d love me without making me reveal my secrets.


I would donate everything I own to goodwill if it meant I could date this book character in real life

Finally a question I can answer! Well, kind of. Because I always overthink this question. (“I might want them, but that doesn’t mean they’d want me!” “But they’re so cute with their current partner, it wouldn’t feel right!” “But would I really want to date this person?” “There are so many amazing characters who would make wonderful partners that I’m sure I’m forgetting about in this moment!”)

As much I don’t want to promote the HP series, my first bookish sorta crush when I got back into reading as an adult was Lupin (good, brave, in some ways relatable werewolf). Then it was Emery (quirky, passionate magician) from the Paper Magician series by Charlie M. Holmberg. Then Marcus (sexy, Italian vampire) from the Thieves series by Lexi Blake. A more recent one that comes to mind is Palamedes (reserved, steadfast, confident necromancer) from the Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir. These are all characters who ended up getting a whole paragraph (or more) devoted to them in my reviews, because I love them. (Shit, by that logic, Sir Robot IV from Saga should also be here, but that would make this list with a werewolf, magician, vampire, and necromancer even weirder than it already is. Or sexier? Both, honestly.)

Picture of Sir Robot IV from Saga graphic novels - He has a human body but his skin is gray and his head is a TV displaying an image of yellow flowers. He's leaning casually against a wall, shirtless, his fit body on display. Text bubble reads: Is anything the matter?

(This post has completely gone off the rails, right in the last question.)

Anyway, I guess my answer is… all of them? They can all date each other too, if they’re into that. Dating four (or maybe five, yet to be determined) people seems like it would take an awful lot of energy if I have to do it all myself. I don’t know, but Marcus definitely has to be in there because he’s the only one rich enough to replace all the stuff I gave up 😅


Talk to me!

Would you give up internet for a month for a book?
Do you have authors you'd like to be friends with?


Your Thoughts


14 thoughts on “Bookish Tag Post: The Extraordinary Means Book Tag (AKA The Post in which I Fail at Tags)

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  1. Roberta R.

    “I found this tag some years ago (it takes me a while to do posts sometimes)”
    😂 (I love that you saved it for a future occasion though!).

    “There is no book I’d give up the internet for a month for.”
    Not even a day, honestly…

    “I like authors’ books, but that doesn’t necessarily make me want to have a whole conversation with them. I wouldn’t know what to say to most authors!”
    Haha, same, plus I value my pizza 😉 (sorry to hear you can’t eat it – of course I didn’t mean to rub it in on you that I can…TBH, I have digestive issues, so it’s not always welcomed as I would like…).

    “I don’t want to be best friends with someone just because they’re an author. I want to be best friends with someone because of who they are and how we get along”

    “I don’t know, but Marcus definitely has to be in there because he’s the only one rich enough to replace all the stuff I gave up 😅”
    I’d only like to date the Tenth Doctor (a.k.a. David Tennant), but of course he’s not from a book…though there are companion books and audiobooks about him…Anyhow, the Doctor seems to have an endless supply of clothes for his companions in the TARDIS, so at least I wouldn’t have to worry about those LOL.

    1. Kit (Metaphors and Moonlight)

      I have so many half-finished or fully finished posts just sitting unpublished for years lol.

      Haha, I think I might actually be willing to give up internet for a day for a book!

      I know how much you love Doctor Who, specifically David Tennant, so I’ll allow it even though it’s not from a book 😛

  2. Jessica

    I wouldn’t do anything of these things. I follow one of my favorite authors on facebook which is enough for me. I wouldn’t mind dating Edward from Twilight, but I don’t think my boyfriend would like that. I don’t think I would want to live in any of the books I read. Too much danger. Right now I’m reading Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman. It’s the sequel to Seraphina.

  3. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    I also would have done terrible at this tag. I love books, but I don’t really care about owning them or meeting authors. I’m happy to get a book from the library and live in its world for a few days. That’s all I want. 🙂

  4. Karen

    I was expecting Sir Robot on that last one lol

    I fail at these too. There’s nothing I’d give up for an author/book. I have been incredibly lucky over the years to meet authors, even have dinner with them and get signed books. It’s been fun but also weird at times and it’s not like a…life changing occurrence that would make me give up things for.

    Now…I would give up an author or book if I could have pizza again lol I also have a lot of food restrictions now.

    Karen @For What It’s Worth

    1. Kit (Metaphors and Moonlight)

      Hahaha, you know me so well. My feelings about him are… complex.

      Yeah, signed books are great, and I’ve had convos with authors or interviewed them for my blog about their books, stuff like that, but, even if I LOVE their books, it’s still not worth giving things up for. Sorry, authors lol.

      Ooh, now *that* would’ve been a good question! Where is the limit, what is the most important book/author to me that I’d be willing to give up in order to eat pizza again? I would really have to think about that one!