Bookish News: 10 Queer SFF Books I’m Excited For in 2024 (Part 2)


I’m back with Part 2 of upcoming queer sci-fi/fantasy books in 2024! This time it’s books releasing in the second half of the year. Mostly standalones, I think, but it’s impossible to know when a lot of publishers/authors don’t give any indication. Mostly adult, but a few YA. I also found some with trans, nonbinary, and asexual characters, which I don’t come across quite as often, so I’m happy about that. Anyway, hopefully these will be great!

*If you’re considering buying any of these books from Amazon US, I’d appreciate it if you use my affiliate links! It will help support this blog at no additional cost to you!*

Voyage of the Damned by Frances WhiteKey Lime Sky by Al HessNavigational Entanglements by Aliette de BodardA Vile Season by David FerraroThe Nightmare Before Kissmas by Sara Raasch

Voyage of the Damned by Frances White

Murder mystery on a ship, but also with magic! This type of mystery where everyone is trapped together can be a lot of fun, especially when fantasy is involved.
Amazon // Goodreads

Key Lime Sky by Al Hess

A nonbinary, autistic pie blogger witnesses a UFO, and then weird things start happening. Also a bit of romance, I think? It sounds neat and a bit Twilight Zone-esque!
Amazon // Goodreads

Navigational Entanglements by Aliette de Bodard

This one sounds weird, in the best way possible! I like this turn for the strange that sci-fi has been taking. I think I’ll need to read it to fully understand, but something about guiding space ships through dangerous areas using your body’s vitality, and one woman who’s bad with people and one who’s good with people (if poisoning them counts) having to work together when something goes wrong.
Amazon // Goodreads

A Vile Season by David Ferraro

Young adult regency romance about a vampire turned human in order to infiltrate court and stop a group of vampire hunters! Except you know how these things go. Oops, he accidentally falls in love. Vampires being human again can be interesting, and who doesn’t like a good torn between two things story?
Amazon // Goodreads

The Nightmare Before Kissmas by Sara Raasch

Santa’s heir and the Prince of Halloween fake fight over an arranged marriage that neither of them wants because they actually want each other. Cute title and even cuter sounding story!
Amazon // Goodreads

A Dark and Drowning Tide by Allison SaftWherever the Stars Call by S. JeanSorcery and Small Magics by Maiga DoocyRules for Ghosting by Shelly Jay ShoreDon't Let the Forest In by CG Drews

A Dark and Drowning Tide by Allison Saft

Two women who are academic rivals (with feelings they are of course trying to deny) pair up to solve a murder on an expedition. And there’s also magic and dragons and other dangers. The vibes and atmosphere sound strong in this one!
Amazon // Goodreads

Wherever the Stars Call by S. Jean

Characters on the run in space, including a vampire! In space! It also has nonbinary and ace characters and a queerplatonic relationship. This author’s books are usually pretty soft and gentle, even if there are heavier topics involved, and I think this one will be the same.
Amazon // Goodreads

Sorcery and Small Magics by Maiga Doocy

Magical rivals end up linked together with a curse and go on an adventure to try and break it. And of course there are feeeeelings. It just sounds like a cute romance! It’s the start of a trilogy, though I don’t know if the other books will be about the same characters or not.
Amazon // Goodreads

Rules for Ghosting by Shelly Jay Shore

A trans man who can see ghosts helping run his family business, a funeral home. But he’s developing feelings for the new assistant, whose husband died and is now breaking all the ghost rules. It sounds perhaps a bit heavy since I imagine it includes family issues, death, and grief, but it also sounds sweet!
Amazon // Goodreads

Don’t Let the Forest In by CG Drews

Young adult with creepy monsters from drawings come to life, obsessive feelings, an asexual main character, and dark, unsettling, horror vibes. I don’t read a lot of horror, but I love a good unsettling story, so I’m intrigued!
Amazon // Goodreads


Talk to me!

What books are you looking forward to in the second half of 2024?
Are you excited for any of these too?


Your Thoughts


9 thoughts on “Bookish News: 10 Queer SFF Books I’m Excited For in 2024 (Part 2)

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  1. Lola

    I always like seeing these types of posts. Voyage of the Damned sounds interesting, I don’t see a lot of mysteries like that were everyone is trapped in one place, but it’s always an interesting set-up. And I’ll have to check out Key Lime Sky as it has an autistic main character, I am always looking for more books with neurodivergent main characters. I like the cover for Wherever the Stars Call and it sounds fun too!

    1. Kit (Metaphors and Moonlight)

      It can be a very fun mystery setup to be trapped together. I completely forgot while making this that you’re looking for autistic characters! Maybe we’ll have another book to chat about when that one comes out 🙂

  2. Pauliina

    Love this list!! There were so many intriguing ones here that I rushed to add to my TBR, and your little descriptions of them were perfect to get me excited 🥰