Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2024 + Some Non-Bookish Things!

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2024 + Some Non-Bookish Things!

This list is maybe a little different than usual because it only has six new books, and the other four are rereads. Turns out I did more rereading this year than I thought! But I feel like any book good enough to make me love it multiple times deserves to be praised multiple times, and these were my genuine ten favorite books this year. So without further ado, here they are, plus a few...
Cover Love: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2024

Cover Love: Best Book Covers from Books I Read in 2024

It's that time again for book covers! I think I have fewer than usual this year, believe it it not, since I read fewer books. Still have plenty though! I've said before and will say again that a book doesn't need an expensive, perfect cover. I would rather something basic or a stock photo than an AI cover. (If you don't believe me, check out my favorite books post that will come out soon!)...
Book Recs: 10 Queer Christmas-Themed Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books (2)

Book Recs: 10 Queer Christmas-Themed Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books (2)

It's been a couple years since I did a Christmas books recommendation post. To be honest, I didn't read any Christmas books last year. But they can be lovely when you're in the right mood, especially in December! So I've finally found some more books for people to enjoy. Specifically queer ones, even though all my holiday lists have at least some queer books. I haven't read most of these, so...
Update: Life and Books (Aug 2024)

Update: Life and Books (Aug 2024)

I forgot that I was supposed to make a post today, so it's a little late. That's ok. I also posted my Wednesday post on Tuesday. Keeping track of days of the weeks is hard lol. Anyway it doesn't matter because I have nothing to talk about! Extra stressed about something and having to use energy that I don't have, but hopefully it'll be fine. Exhausted and aching all over from doing some...
Update: Life and Books (July 2024)

Update: Life and Books (July 2024)

I am so tired. Not, "I'll heat up some leftovers, sit on the couch and watch a movie, then get some sleep and feel better in the morning," tired. This is 13 years of chronic illness tired. It's, "I haven't eaten or drank in 6 hours and have spent the past 3 trying to force myself to just stand up and walk to the kitchen." And, "Even if I could stand up, eating and digesting food takes more energy...
Bookish News: 10 Queer SFF Books I’m Excited For in 2024 (Part 2)

Bookish News: 10 Queer SFF Books I’m Excited For in 2024 (Part 2)

I'm back with Part 2 of upcoming queer sci-fi/fantasy books in 2024! This time it's books releasing in the second half of the year. Mostly standalones, I think, but it's impossible to know when a lot of publishers/authors don't give any indication. Mostly adult, but a few YA. I also found some with trans, nonbinary, and asexual characters, which I don't come across quite as often, so I'm happy...