Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Tentacles

Cover Characteristics: Book Covers featuring Tentacles

Tentacles is kind of an odd topic for me to choose since I don't read a whole lot of books that involve tentacles. What kind of books involve tentacles anyway? Books set out at sea? Maybe books about weddings if comedian Demetri Martin were writing them? I've read a few books that had kraken in them, and one of them did in fact take place out at sea. I also read a couple of books in a series that...
Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books with Disabled Characters

Book Recs: 10 Lesser-Known Sci-Fi/Fantasy Books with Disabled Characters

In an effort to spread more awareness of disabilities and the books that feature them, I've decided to join the Disability Diaries event and to share with you all ten science fiction and fantasy books featuring disabled characters! I know this is similar to the list I just introduced on Monday, but I wanted a chance to actually spotlight some of the books I've read and others that sound...