Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2022 + Some Non-Bookish Things

Bookish Musings: Top Ten Books/Series I Read in 2022 + Some Non-Bookish Things

My favorite books of the year! Who doesn't love talking about books they loved? Some of these were ones I'd been looking forward to, and they didn't disappoint. Some were sort of spontaneous reads. Some I didn't really know if they'd be my kinda book, but they surprised me in the best way. So here, in no particular order, are my top ten(ish) reads of 2022, plus a few other things I...
Update: Life and Books (July 2022)

Update: Life and Books (July 2022)

Well, the world is still crumbling, so let's temporarily pretend it's not and talk about some good things! I played some more games! They're a good distraction. I mostly played Townscaper. It's been my go-to lately because it doesn't require a lot of focus but is still fun and lets me be creative. I've been sharing my builds on Twitter, so check there if you want to see them all! I also played...
Bookish News: 2022 Queer SFF Books I’m Excited For (Part 2)

Bookish News: 2022 Queer SFF Books I’m Excited For (Part 2)

At the beginning of the year, I made a blog post about upcoming queer sci-fi/fantasy books I was excited for, but I only included books set to release in the first half the year. I figured there'd be more I'd learn about later in the year, and what a shame that they wouldn't get to be on lists since they just weren't announced yet. So here we are, Part 2! Once again, there are so many books I...