I stumbled upon this tag somewhere (I don't even remember where), and it seemed both fun and perfect for the month of October! I didn't actually set out to do a bunch of Halloween-themed posts this month, but I follow try to follow my blogging whims, so here we are. The original can be found at the ColdTeaAndCrumbs booktube channel, and, as usual, I tag everyone who wants to do the tag...
Yay, it's time for one of my favorite posts of the whole year because this is the post in which I get to talk about ALL the books that I loved most all at once! It's a post full of happiness and good feelings, and I get to reminisce about the highlights of my reading year. What more can any book blogger ask for? Anyway, I debated how to do this. I mean, there are standalones, there are complete...
I wasn't planning on doing this tag since I've never actually done any tags before, but I figured this would be my one and only chance since the Olympics don't last very long and won't be around for another four years... So here I am! Doing my first tag. I have to admit I don't watch many of the sports, but, since I used to be a gymnast, I am always super excited about the summer Olympics just...
I share a lot of book covers on this blog, but I also find myself noticing a lot of other bookish things like blurbs and titles, and sometimes I like to share those too. I mean, covers are not the only thing that influences my decision to buy or read a book. Titles are the first thing I see right along with the cover, and they probably have just as much influence since they often are what gives...
Emma isn't sure what to do with herself after everything that's happened, so, when Officer Walker asks her to use her witchcraft to help him with some more murder cases, she jumps at the chance. But the spell doesn't turn out quite right this time, and, instead of just seeing the murders, she experiences them firsthand, gets possessed by the victims, and becomes tangled up in supernatural...
When Emma's crush, Mike, drowns in the campus river on her watch, she, along with Mike's family, blames herself. Unable to stand the guilt and grief, she uses a spell from a mysterious book to try and raise him from the dead... but she gets Sam instead, a suicide victim who jumped into the river last year, Jake, a former frat boy, and some others, each with their own story. Feeling responsible...
I'm back to being computer-less since I no longer have the computer I was using temporarily :-/ But I'm crossing my fingers that I'll get mine back soon and that it will actually be fixed. (And don't worry, posts are already scheduled for this week!) As for my Kindle, it has now decided it's not going to open 90% of the books I have from Amazon because they're DRM protected. Even though I own...