Bookish Tag Post: The Firsts of 2023 Book Tag

Bookish Tag Post: The Firsts of 2023 Book Tag

This picture looks more like a birthday or anniversary sort of post, but I don't know, I didn't want to waste too much time looking and just grabbed something with a one in it. *shrug* There's something weirdly fun about looking back at the "firsts" of things. Also tags are fairly easy blog posts to make when I'm low on energy. So here we are! I found this at Howling Libraries (I just get...
Update: Life and Books (Apr 2023)

Update: Life and Books (Apr 2023)

Let's see. What did I do in April... I played more games because they're a great distraction from real life. Which means I also got a lot of headaches, but eh, that's not fun to talk about. I've been having a lot of fun with Sun Haven! It's the first cutesy farming/crafting sim I've played, and it's full of fantasy stuff, and my character is a naga with four boyfriends :-) I want to stop for a...