It's been a while since I did one of these LGBT+ books by LGBT+ authors posts (you can find the first one here), so I thought it was about time to do another! Whether you're seeing this during Pride Month when I'm posting it or stumbling upon this at a later date, hopefully you can find some great books and support some great LGBT+ creators...
I've already shared with you all my favorite covers and favorite characters from books I read in 2018, so that means... it's finally time to share my favorite books! I don't know why I keep calling these posts "Top Ten" when I never manage to stop at just ten. My blog is just full of lies. It sounds good as a post title though, you know? Anyway, I'm excited, as I always am for this post, because...
I feel like this is my most anticipated post every year. I mean, I don't know what you all anticipate, but *I* anticipate it. Book covers are my jam. Little mini works of art! So I love looking back through what I've read and finding the most gorgeous ones. I don't know if book covers have been getting prettier, or if I've just been more drawn to pretty ones since I started blogging, but wow, I...
Whew---try saying that title five times fast! ;-) In my last upcoming releases post, I wasn't able to include all the books I wanted to because they didn't all have covers or blurbs or Goodreads pages or even titles yet. I also knew I would end up finding more books I hadn't known about yet because that's always how these things go. So I'm back, and I'm just as excited to share with you all some...
Rune lives in New Atlantis and is the sole survivor of the Sun Throne. He and his bodyguard/best friend, Brand, do mercenary-style jobs for Lord Tower. When they get tasked with finding a missing scion from another court, they end up discovering a monster of myth and a bigger problem than anyone first...
Another two weeks has gone by, and I still have no real life news (well, no good or exciting news anyway). But hey, it's July! That's something, right? Ugh. Ok, I'm just gonna end this terrible intro. Go forth and check out the bookish...