The Weekly Update: 9/18/16


Code red! Code red! People from real life are finding my blog! (If you’re one of those people and are reading this right now, hi! Please keep reading before getting offended, I’m going to explain!) Ok, so, two people have recently followed me on Instagram, which links to my blog. And honestly I’m fine with these two particular people seeing/reading my blog (so you’re totally welcome to visit and comment if you’re one of those people!), but they’re each from a completely different part of my life, probably not friends with each other, so that makes me wonder if other people are finding or going to find my blog too. And there are some people out there who I really wouldn’t want to know about it, for a variety of different reasons, which is something I’m sure you all understand.

So I took the blog link out of my IG profile for now. It’s not like I actually use IG anyway. But I’m really careful about not linking my social media to FB (since my FB is for personal stuff, but all my other social media is for my blog), so I really don’t think it’s linked? I don’t even use the same email. But maybe it’s somehow linked in some weird chain of things somehow? It’s honestly freaky to me sometimes how well the internet and social media knows us and who we’re friends with and what we like. Like, I once had Twitter recommend I follow someone I used to know even though my Twitter wasn’t linked to anything and didn’t use an email address in which I communicated with that person. When stuff like that happens, it’s weird. And I hate feeling like I’ve left so much information and parts of me out there on the internet and every little thing I’ve ever said or done is somehow all linked together for anyone to find o.0

Also, because it wasn’t bad enough that none of my computers work right, now the trackpad on my keyboard had to go and break too -_- It still works to move the cursor around, but tapping to click doesn’t work anymore. How is that even possible for one to register but not the other??? I already tried clicking and unclicking things in the mouse settings, restarting the computer, and changing the keyboard batteries, but nothing works. It’s not the end of the world since I can still push the button, but I’m so used to just tapping that I keep forgetting.

Anyway, I was also going to share a story with you all about cinnamon brooms, but I’ll save that for next week. I’ve rambled enough for one day!

Blog/Bookish Updates:

Guess what, my tastes are changing! Well, more like expanding. Last week, for the first time ever, I was actually in the mood for high fantasy. I’ve read high fantasy before, but that was always because there was something else about it that appealed to me or I was in the mood for a specific emotion or type of character something. I’ve never wanted a book specifically because it was in that genre (I’ve always been more of an urban and paranormal person). But I guess I have been slowly building an appreciation for it, and now I love all the details and intricacies and the chance to escape to a completely different world. Look at me, guys. Last year (or maybe earlier this year) I discovered my love for historical fantasy, and now I’ve discovered a love for high fantasy. I’m evolving as a reader! 😛 Though I do still like all my types of fantasy to be character and emotion focused.

And now I am going to shamelessly brag for a moment about the fact that I have 28 posts completely done and ready to go (15 book reviews, 7 discussions, 1 tag). But I’m stockpiling them, so some of them probably won’t be posted for months. I have this fear that one day something will come up or I will get super busy, and then I won’t have time to make a lot of posts, and this way I’ll still be able to keep the blog going. But I’ve also just gotten into the habit and making my reviews ASAP after finishing books and writing my discussions as soon as the ideas come to me rather than procrastinating, so that’s made a big difference.

Books I Received for Review:

Vespers by Irene Preston | reading, books
The High King's Golden Tongue by Megan Derr | reading, books
Sword of the King by Megan Derr | reading, books
The Man in the Long Black Coat by J.L. Aarne | reading, books
Shadow Fall by Audrey Grey | reading, books
Emerald Bound by Teresa Richards | reading, books

Ok, I know this looks bad. But to be fair, I requested some of these last week, so I didn’t mean to get so many in one week. But I already finished one and haven’t been taking many review copies lately, so I’m still under 25, plus my Netgalley percentage is still 85%, so I’m totally on top of things! Plus I’m super excited for all of these! The two Megan Derr books because I loved Wriggle & Sparkle and can’t wait to try more of her writing. The Man in the Long Black Coat because it sounds exactly like my kind of darkish urban fantasy. Shadow Fall because I read one review that made it seem very out-of-the-norm in terms of the usual perfect characters. And Emerald Bound because it’s a Princess and the Pea retelling, and I’ve been wanting some uncommon retellings. So I am very happy with my ebook haul this week! (Vespers, Shadow Fall, and Emerald Bound are all on NetGalley, so go forth and click if you’re also interested.)

Books I Finished:

Chasing Rabbits by Erin Bedford | reading, books
A Triad in Three Acts: The Complete Forester Trilogy by Blaine D. Arden | reading, books
Vespers by Irene Preston | reading, books

Chasing Rabbits was a fairly good story and some of the side characters were intriguing, but I disliked the MC. A Triad in Three Acts had incredible world-building and a great stories to match! (Review coming this week.) I was worried Vespers might have too much religion, but it turned out to be really good! So overall, a good book haul AND a good reading week!

Song of the Week:

“Freaks” by Timmy Trumpet & Savage – My song choice is a little different from my usual this week. I discovered this song recently, and it is FANTASTIC workout or just plain old energy pumping music!


In Case You Missed It:

– I shared black, white, & red book covers (only the best color combo ever).
– I reviewed Unhinged by Chani Lynn Feener, a YA first-in-series about a girl who makes a deal with Hades to get her dead ghost boyfriend back.
– I had my first guest post about whether free books are better or worse than paid ones.
– I reviewed The Scarlet Tide by Stephen Osborne, the third in a light, fun M/M paranormal series.
– I reviewed House of Ravens by Keary Taylor, a nice ending to great and unique vampire series.

The Sunday Post Link-Up:

Once again, I’m linking up to The Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer 🙂


Talk to me!

Did you find any good books or music last week?
How do you keep your blog separate from your real life?
Does the internet/social media also freak you out sometimes?
Do you have any idea how to fix my trackpad? :-(


Your Thoughts


66 thoughts on “The Weekly Update: 9/18/16

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  1. Greg

    I’ve had people in RL find my blog and when they comment it’s like oh hey what’s up? lol Most of the people I know are aware of the blog but unless they’re into book stuff (only a few) they don’t come by that often. Still it’s nice to see em pop in occasionally. But I do like that it’s kinda separate. Relative always ask without really getting it I think. 🙂

    And yeah I don’t know what kind of behind the scenes trickery is going on but I’ve gotten recommendations or stuff before and it’s like how do you know that? lol like there’s some group behind the scenes that knows all. And I’m the same way with UF that you are w/ high fantasy I think. The worldbuilding in HF is a big draw…

    Emerald Bound looks great- love that cover. And the Megan Derr books look good too.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Lol I’ve never had anyone else from real life find my blog that I know of. I mean, they might’ve, but they didn’t tell me or comment if they did. Some of my closest friends know about the blog and I wouldn’t care if they read it since they know all about me anyway, but they’re not interested, and I’m fine with that, I don’t expect them to be. Though one of my poor friends was the one who got all my crazy messages when I found a book I LOVED and had to rant or was all affected by some scene or something, haha. Now I have fellow readers/bloggers to listen instead!

      Yes exactly, I don’t know how the internet *knows* these things sometimes. Creepy. And yay we’re both expanding our interests!

      I like the cover of Emerald Bound too, and I love that High King’s Golden Tongue cover (one of the Megan Derr ones). I used the second in the series for one my cover posts!

      1. Greg

        I thought it looked familiar. I remember it reminding me of a gateway or portal or something. that alone makes me curious. And yeah my friends and I are all scattered now when we get together it’s infrequent and if I had to wait for those times to talk books that would suck! Luckily blogging came along and solved that problem lol. Although my tastes have expanded so now I get “what are you reading THAT for?” ha ha. What can you do? 😛

        1. Kristen Burns

          Lol well my friend lives across the country, so I would just FB message her to go crazy over books even though she probably didn’t really care. But yeah, I love that now I don’t have to hold it all in and only occasionally burst out with the most exciting things or whatever because I can just go on about book all the time on my blog! I feel like guys are probably judged more for what they read though, but psh the non-readers just don’t understand how great all these different types of books can be!

  2. sjhigbee

    Oh my goodness! Do you have a Google account? They seem to link EVERYTHING together – which I discovered when the college where I worked wanted us to use Google for the students. But the privacy settings were non-existent and many of my students aren’t very computer-savvy, so I backed right away from that one… I can fully understand why you would want to keep parts of your life compartmentalised – why wouldn’t you? We do so in the real world and it’s not up to Mr Facebook or whoever to crash through those compartments. I’m beyond impressed at the number of posts you have in the kitty. I am just keeping my head above water right now! But when I get a chance to draw breath, I’ll certainly follow your example. Have a great week, Kristen and thank you for swinging by earlier:)

    1. Kristen Burns

      Well, my FB doesn’t use a gmail. But then, I’ve connected *some* things that have used one of my gmail account. And I guess my different gmails are kind of connected (I have numerous email addresses for different things). And one of my other gmails is the one I use for IG. Could it actually have linked all that?! The internet is really just scary sometimes. But yes, exactly, it’s not even that I’m ashamed of my blog or anything, it’s just that there are parts of my life I want to keep separate from others for certain reasons. And thanks 🙂 My no-procrastinating methods with reviews and discussions have made a huge difference. You have a great week too!

  3. Maureen's Books (@MaureenHinten)

    28 posts ready to go?!! Ow men.. I’m so jealous. I really need to that too. Especially since all the wedding planning is getting in the way of making my posts and I’m months away of the BIG day. I can’t imagine what will happen closer to the day. But I signed up for the Blog Ahead Challenge this October and I’m getting some post done today.. At least I’m starting right?!
    Congrats on evolving as a reader! 😉 It’s great finding new genres right?!
    Have a great week!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Lol well you have an excuse because of the wedding planning 😉 And thanks! It is great finding new genres except it also means my TBR is now longer -_- Lol. You have a great week too!

  4. Lola

    It can be a bit weird if people from real life find your blog. I don’t mind if some of them read my blog, but others I rather have they don’t read it. Not sure why, but it just feels weird. I don’t really talk about my blog with people in real life, although some of them do know I blog.

    And I think that the internet knows a lot of things about you, through information websites collect and cookies and other things. It is a bit disconcerting at times, but I usually don’t worry too much about it.

    And sorry to hear about your problems with your trackpad, you really seem to have the worst luck with computers. Is it possible to replace a trackpad?

    That’s fun to hear you’re changing as a reader. I always like spotting those trends in my own reading. Like how this year I’ve been getting into science fiction romances. I used to read a lot of high fantasy when I was younger. Terry Brooks her Shanara books and the Wheel of Time series were some of my favorites. But I slowly grew out of it after only reading that for a long time and many of the don’t have as much character focus and depth, which eventually led me to change my reading tastes and move away a bit from that genre.

    I also write reviews as soon as possible as it helps me keep up with review,s but I always stockpile my ideas for discussion posts as I usually don’t have time to write them right now, sadly. Also I wish i could get my netgalley percentage higher. I am keep hanging around the 66% this year. Part of which I blame on my initial requesting spree when I joined netgalley and then realized I couldn’t read all those books until I got a secondhand ipad with the netgalley app. But by then I already got some backlog and it’s hard to get through that and most of those older books are ones I’ve lost interest in by now.

    Sounds like you had a good reading week this week! I hope this will be a good week for you!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yeah, there are some I wouldn’t mind, and my closest friends know about it (though they don’t read it simply because they aren’t interested), but there are some people I don’t want reading it.

      Disconcerting, that’s a good word to describe it. I mean, I guess I don’t sit around worrying, but I don’t like it either. It’s creepy.

      I have a monitor and keyboard, so I’d just have to buy a new keyboard. But I got this one on sale and it’ll still cost money that I don’t want to spend to have to buy a new one so soon :-/

      It is interesting when our tastes change or expand! I think maybe that’s part of the reason why I shied away from high fantasy too, but it turns out there are books out there that are high fantasy but also with a focus on the characters and a small scope.

      See, I’ve found that if I wait to write my discussion post ideas, I lose the thread and the inspiration and then they become useless. I just can’t write them *later*. I have to write them ASAP. I know a lot of bloggers had that NG requesting spree problem, but I never did. I think because I’ve always dreaded writing negative reviews, so I was super picky right from the get-go. I’ve only requested 30-something books from NG so far.

      Thanks! You too!

  5. Annemieke

    Isn’t it cookies (or something like that) on our browsers that help twitter or fb with those type of friend recommondations? I’ve had bloggers appear as friend recommondations on fb that weren’t friends with anyone I had on fb but I did follow on twitter or instagram.

    I don’t share a lot of blog things on my personal fb but at the same time I don’t hide it there any more either. It is a part of me and I don’t feel like hidng that away. 🙂 But that is what works for me.

    1. Kristen Burns

      I have no idea? Lol. Maybe that would explain how it knows even if we use different emails.

      I don’t share much personal stuff either. It’s not even that I feel ashamed or anything, everyone I went to high school with always knew I was a bookworm, but there are just certain things I talk about on here that I still wouldn’t want *certain* people to know.

  6. Emily Alfano

    I’m so glad I found your blog Kristen! I loved reading your post today! And I totally understand what you mean when you said some people you would rather not find your blog. I’m the same way. For the most part, I don’t want anyone that isn’t from the book community and that is from my personal life finding my blog, because they just don’t get the book thing and that’s ok, but then I feel like they are passing judgement on my blog. Which ISN’T ok. and I’ve had a few friends/family members ask me in the past, “you still do that blog thing, right?” YEAH…. that “blog thing.” UGH. So annoying. So now I’ve gotten to the point where I just keep my blogging within the community and I’m fine with that. And i took my link off my FB and Instagram as well. Now I just stick to Twitter for my blogging stuff and sharing.

    I LOVE that you shared a music video for the week! I’ll have to check it out! I’m a HUGE music fan, but I never thought to incorporate that into my weekly wrap up post (which I just started in on today; i’m doing the sunday post) but I might have to consider it going forward! This week I’ve been listening to nothing but the band Issues. They’re SO good and their latest album is fantastic.

    Hope you have a great week! I’m glad I found your blog!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Hi! And thanks! I’m ok with some people seeing my blog, especially since I know most of them wouldn’t really care either way. The people I’m closest to, for example, know about it but don’t read because they’re just not interested, and yeah, that’s totally fine with me. But I agree, I feel like some people would pass judgment, and there are just certain things I share on my blog that I wouldn’t necessarily want certain people to know, even though they’re not super personal things. I’m sorry they call it that “blog thing” :-/ but maybe they don’t mean it like that? Maybe they just don’t really know what to call it since they don’t blog. It just sucks though because what if we want to start using IG more for posting book photos and promoting our blog, you know?

      You should totally share some music in your posts! I know there’s also a Monday music meme out there that people participate in, not sure exactly what it’s called. And yay, I’m glad you joined the Sunday Post, it’s fun! I’ll definitely check out that band 🙂

      Thanks, you have a great week too, and I’ll be by to check out your blog in a bit!

  7. tonyalee

    It’s hard to keep my blog separate. My mom, husband and a few “real life friends” know about blog, but as far as I know, no one else really visits. However, I have a funny story about a co worker if you want to hear it.

    I remember when I was able to schedule that far out! It’s been so crazy I feel like i don’t have time to do anything! SO good on you! 🙂

    Have a great week

    1. Kristen Burns

      I would love to hear your funny coworker story! I like stories lol.

      Yeah, but see, that’s exactly *why* I’m getting so many posts done now, because I just *know* that at some point I will also get too busy to do anything and at least I’ll have some posts to work with until I run out of those too lol. Then I’ll be in the same boat as everyone else 😛

      You have a great week too!

  8. Kei @ The Lovely Pages Reviews

    Oh boy I had the same problem the other day. Somehow IG recommended an old high school friend, I freaked! However the hell was the app able to do that? Then I thought it’s probably the GPS settings? I don’t even have the same email or any of my personal info in there. Same with Twitter. And I’m hardly ever on FB unless it’s on my blog pages which I’m the worst at keeping updated so there’s no connection. Freaking technology. I don’t really have a problem with my friends or family reading my blog, most of them know anyway but it’s not something that interest them so never comes up but I agree, it’s creepy how’s these algorithms work.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Gah, what is it with IG?! It has GPS settings?? That’s really weird if you don’t even have your person info there. I do have my name I think, but I don’t use the same email either. And I also am hardly ever on FB anymore. I don’t even have a page for my blog though because I didn’t know it was possible to keep that separate from your personal page. Like, I know they’re separate pages, but I thought it would show that you had that page on your personal one or post things on your timeline or something. But yeah, it’s super creepy sometimes.

  9. Lampshade Reader

    Some of my friends know of my blog and I only one of them occasionally comments. Honestly, it doesn’t bother me. I’ve had to hide some of my bloggy stuff on my FB profile, because not everyone wants to see me share giveaways and see hot shirtless dudes on covers of books LOL ~Aleen

    1. Kristen Burns

      Some of the people I’m close to know about it, but I don’t think they ever actually visit since it doesn’t interest them, and that’s fine. But lol to the shirtless dudes on your FB timeline. I wouldn’t mind that 😛

  10. Mareli Thalwitzer

    Oh my goodness! You’ve been busy! I did actually see that on twitter this week (the fact that you are so busy). Well done! What on earth (or any other realm) is high fantasy??

    On the internet-knows-even-your-underwear-size thingy – I’ve recently experienced the same thing! Remember the phone down the toilet thing? I am now using my aunt’s old phone and I almost had a heart attack when I saw all the info stored on my google drive. Did I do that? Talk about privacy settings yes!

    Anyway, hope you will have a great week and that you will stockpile even more great posts! I haven’t been on the blogosphere much this past week, but will try to catch up a bit this week.

    1. Kristen Burns

      I felt very productive! And ironically enough, to answer your question, high fantasy IS any other realm lol. Well, kinda. What I consider high fantasy is anything that takes place in a world not our own. So, like, a book set in the faerie realm isn’t something I’d consider high fantasy since it usually exists alongside earth which means our human realm. But I mean, you know, there are exceptions I guess. Genres are so complicated lol.

      Seriously, why is the internet and technology so creepy???!

      Haha thanks, I’ll try 😉

  11. kimbacaffeinate

    I like high fantasy but not in large doses, I go through spells….well with all genres really. Kristen, with a blog you will have folks from your real life good and bad who will follow…you need to not worry and give them any type of power. I only share things on my blog I wouldn’t mind being made public,

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yes, I think I still need some urban in between my high fantasy books lol. I really don’t share anything too personal, but, as you said, not everyone in our real lives are necessarily good people, and there are still certain things that I wouldn’t want certain people to know.

  12. AngelErin

    Ah! It’s so crazy when real life people read your blog! I don’t hide my blog (I post on my Facebook and wherever), but pretty much most people I actually know don’t read it.

    OMG cinnamon brooms! I’m curious what you will say about that week. I saw one at the store just a day or so ago and I was like, WTF? I’ve never seen those before.

    Also, yey for tastes changing! Personally, I always love when this happens to me. Until I realized now I have WAY too many books I want to read and i just added more to it LOL!

    1. Kristen Burns

      I definitely don’t post my blog stuff to FB. But the people I’m closest to know about my blog. And I know that most people would probably just be like, “Oh, she blogs, ok,” and then move on with their lives lol. But there are still certain people I just don’t want knowing certain things.

      I love cinnamon brooms! I can’t believe you only saw one for the first time last week! Lol.

      It is interesting when tastes change, right? Except I agree, all it has done it is add MORE books to my TBR -_-

      1. AngelErin

        Omg cinnamon brooms has been a thing and I didn’t know!?! I don’t know what they are really. Like do you use them to sweep? Decorations? Well I’m really looking forward to next week’s update then lol.

  13. Laura

    I can totally sympathise with you over real life people finding your blog! Unluckily for me my blog was found (somehow – I still have no idea how!) by some people I work with, and although the said quite nice things about it, and actually seemed pleased to find out I do in fact have interests (I’m shy, so pretty much don’t speak much at work!), it felt so weird! Especially because they said I seem totally different online than in real life (the difference probably being that I talk online, whereas I don’t really talk much at work, so they don’t really know my personality properly).
    The internet and the way it seems to know stuff though really does creep me out too sometimes. For example, it always creeps me out when I Google something on my phone, and then it comes up on my laptop in my recently searched, and it’s like, how does it know? Is it something to do with this Cloud thing that I have never understood? Why is my laptop spying on my phone?
    And yay for high fantasy! That’s one of my favourite genres, so I really hope you find some books that you love 🙂

    1. Kristen Burns

      Aww I’m sorry they found your blog! But at least they were nice, and that’s kind of funny that they seemed pleased lol.

      Yes, the internet is super creepy sometimes. And haha, it does sound like your laptop is spying on my phone. I don’t know if I’ve ever noticed that particular thing happen to me.

      Thanks! So far I have managed to find some nice character-focused high fantasy 🙂

  14. Caitlin @ Words and Other Beasts

    I’ve recently started getting more into high fantasy too. I think Game of Thrones has made it all seem less geeky. I’ve always enjoyed it but for a while I thought people might judge me for reading it so I stopped. Now I don’t care haha! A good book is a good book, no matter the genre, so I just try and read whatever sounds good. And congrats on getting so many posts prepared, I’m lucky if I even manage to schedule one post ahead of time haha!

    1. Kristen Burns

      I’ve never watched nor read GoT, I don’t think that’d be quite my kind of high fantasy. I’ve never worried about being judged for high fantays, I just never liked it lol. But that’s good, you shouldn’t care what people think when it comes to what you like to read! And thanks! Lol don’t worry, there are still times when I end up putting posts up late too, so it’s a mixed bag with me lol.

  15. Becky @ A Fool's Ingenuity

    It’s one of my worst nightmares for certain people to discover my blog. I mean, I don’t mind friends knowing about it because they know me anyway, but people I’ve known from uni or from previous jobs, that just terrifies me. Especially if people from work discovered it! I’ve mentioned to a couple of people I work with but in vague terms so that they don’t go hunting out my blog. It does freak me out how social media and the internet knows me so well. I know this is partly down to the fact I let Google know practically everything about me so that probably explain half of it.

    Also, you need to just start reverting back to ben and paper with your luck with technology. I feel like each week I will be learning of a new technological disaster which has befallen you. Who has this much bad luck?

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yeah, some of the people I’m closest to know about my blog, but they already know all about me anyway lol. But it is definitely freaky how well the internet just knows us. I don’t like it.

      Hahaha ugh I think I do need to revert back to pen and paper. But I like technology! It just doesn’t like me 🙁 Why doesn’t is like me??!! NO ONE has this much bad technology luck -_-

  16. Rachel

    I really don’t worry about people from real life reading my blog – I’m not a very private person. In fact, I should probably be more of one. But whatever, I suppose I’ll live and learn eventually. 🙂 For now, anybody can see my blog. I don’t imagine many people from real life are that interested in my book blog, anyway.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Lol I am a fairly private person. So I don’t even post much personal stuff on my blog, and I agree, most people from my real life probably wouldn’t even care enough to look at it, but there are still certain people I wouldn’t want to see it.

  17. Got My Book

    I sort of freaked out a little when I got a Kindle Fire. Because, when I hooked it to the internet, it set itself up including registering to my Amazon account despite the fact that I hadn’t entered or selected anything. It was kind of creepy that it knew all that based on my WiFi connection.

    I am happy for you that you have gotten so far ahead on your stockpiling. My efforts have been 1 step forward and 2 steps back. I am really looking forward to Blog Ahead in October.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Huh, I can’t remember how it worked when I got my kindle, but I agree, that is weird.

      Thanks! It can be hard to get ahead. I still end up posting some posts late, but I got super ahead on certain types of posts and have just been able to stay ahead. Good luck with Blog Ahead!

  18. Laura Thomas

    I never share anything personal on any social media sites so I don’t have to worry about who reads what and where. I think you’ll be okay. My Facebook links back to my blog and they aren’t the same email address. I don’t know how that works? LOL
    And I sometimes read a genre I normally wouldn’t just because it keeps my imagination sharp and I’ve found some great authors that way too.

    My Sunday Post

    1. Kristen Burns

      I don’t really share anything personal either, but still. Idk about the FB-blog thing. Do you have it set up in your blog settings, like, did you put your FB in there in order to share posts or something?

      Hmm, I never read genres I normally wouldn’t just to keep my mind sharp, I stick to what I like, but I guess sometimes I start reading books that are kind of cross-genre or read for another reason and then I start to like the new genre.

  19. Deborah

    28 posts?! Kristen, I feel compelled to hate you for putting the rest of us to shame!

    Do you mind if I ask why you keep this blog a secret? I used to keep my diet blog a secret because I talked about really personal things there that I didn’t want people in my real life to know… I have to be conscious now of what I post cos mine’s public… though I shared something today I wasn’t sure if I was going to (about some surgery I’d had).

    I share links to my posts on my personal FB page but rarely have anyone from my real life comment on the blog. None of them are much into the online world!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Haha no, don’t hate me, I’m still the same ol’ lovable Kristen 😀

      Well, for one thing, some people would be judgy. More than that though (since I’ve never cared much what people think, and many people have always known I’m a bookworm), not every person who’s been in my life has been a good person. So even though I don’t share anything particularly personal, there are still some people I really don’t want knowing anything going on in my life or knowing I even have a blog. But of course I’m not going to let that stop me from doing something I love, so I just do my best to keep things separate. But yeah, I think if most people found it, they’d probably just be like, “Oh, she has a blog, ok,” and then move on lol.

  20. roro

    You definitely have the techo curse. Technology and the net can be so weird that it’s frightening. i;m lookung forward to the review of A Triad in Three Acts. Have a great week, Kristen

    1. Kristen Burns

      When you say like that, “techno curse,” it almost sounds kind of cool lol. But it still sucks -_- And the internet is so creepy sometimes. I really enjoyed A Triad in Three Acts, I’m excited to share that review! You have a great week too 🙂

  21. Giselle Charron

    Hahaha, I guess I know who one of those two people are! I found it on Instagram. Instagram started suggesting people for us to follow more often and your name kept coming up. I don’t use Instagram that often so I skipped it the first two times but then one the third time of seeing your name, I felt compelled to add you and found your blog! You’re very talented and I’m so glad to see something you are passionate about. 🙂

    1. Kristen Burns

      Haha, I was so afraid you might be offended if you saw my post! I’m glad you commented 🙂 But it does make me wonder who *else* Instagram is suggesting me to?! I don’t even use it, I just happen to see notifications sometimes lol. Thank you! I’m really enjoying having a blog since I’ve always loved reading and writing 🙂

  22. S. J. Pajonas

    The best way to set things up so social media doesn’t spy on you is to turn off Location Services on your phone, which, as far as I’m concerned, totally cripples your phone’s usefulness but there you go. I have NO CONNECTION whatsoever with the woman who runs my CSA, but because I’ve checked Facebook from my phone while at her house, it knows I know her and suggested we be friends. O_o Same with other people that I visit their businesses. Crazy. Anyway, you got some new great books and you’re reading high fantasy! That’s awesome!

    1. Kristen Burns

      So THAT’S how it’s doing it??? My location??? I suppose that could make sense why I was suggested to those two people. That’s so weird. Why does the internet and technology have to be so damn creepy and gather so much info about us?! Like, I don’t want it tracing my location everywhere I go and remembering it. But yeah, I’m excited about my newfound high fantasy interest!

  23. Bookworm Brandee

    LOL Yeah, the internet and its super sneaky ways…It freaks me out too sometimes! And there are people I don’t want reading my blog so I get you there. 😉 I’m sorry your computer woes continue. And I wish I had a solution to your track pad problem. Sadly, I don’t because honestly, I’m rather techno-challenged. 😉 I hope you enjoy all your newly procured books. I noticed they all have a similar theme going on with the covers…they’re all dark. Hmm… 😉 Congrats on having so many posts ready to go. That truly is fabulous and I envy you there. Also, kudos to your changing reading tastes…it’s great to be a genre omnivore. Truly. I’ll welcome you into the ranks! 😀 Have a great weekend, Kristen!

    1. Kristen Burns

      The internet really does freak me out sometimes. Stop knowing everything about me! Lol. But ugh, yes, the computer troubles are ridiculous. You’re right, all the covers are dark, but I know that the insides of some of those are actually going to be rather light and possibly fluffy lol. I don’t know that I’d quite call myself a genre omnivore since I still only read SFF, but at least I’m getting a bit more varied with my palate 😉 You have a great week too!

  24. Jessica

    I had some internet trouble today. My screen froze. I don’t know how to fix your trackpad. I don’t mind sharing my blog on Facebook.But I do now have a page for it on facebook. I’m still waiting on Unravel Me, and I’m still read Earth to Hell by Kylie Chan.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Sorry to hear that you’re having technology troubles too! I never share my blog on FB, but I know 99% of the people there (if not 100%) wouldn’t even be interested as they’re not into reading. Enjoy your books, they sound interesting!

    1. Kristen Burns

      I still have no desire to read things like LoTR or GoT, but I’ve been finding books that are high fantasy while still being character-focused and not big, giant epic things, so that works for me 🙂

  25. Angela @ Simply Angela

    I don’t really mind my blog mixing in with my real life. For some reason it’s never really bothered me.

    Regarding your trackpad, have you tried taking your keyboard apart? There could be some dust that’s settled near the touch sensors. I had that happen a few times, it would let me do everything but click.

    1. Kristen Burns

      Yeah, it seems some people don’t mind, but others do, and I’m in the camp that doesn’t want too many real life people knowing lol.

      I have NO idea how to take a keyboard apart and would probably just break it even more. Do you have, like, a link to a tutorial or something? Instructions? Haha. That could be what it is, but I don’t want to make it worse.

  26. Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings

    Ok I may hate you a tiny bit for having so many posts stockpiled, you classy show off!!! Seriously well done, I need to stop procrastinating and get that shit done!!

    I hate thinking that someone I actually know can read my blog, it is bad enough that my postman knows!!!

    Have a good week !

    1. Kristen Burns

      Hahaha come on, how can you hate this face —-> 😀 (That’s me, being lovable.)

      Your postman knows because he’s always delivering books? Lol. But ugh yeah, there are some people I just really don’t want to see my blog!

      You have a good week too!

  27. Melissa

    No one I know in Real Life is really interested enough to check out my blog and I’m happy about that. Must be a bit disconcerting!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Haha, I’m pretty sure most people wouldn’t be interested to read mine either, but even if they just looked at once out of curiosity, I still don’t even want that from some people lol.

  28. Katie//Girl About Library

    I LOVE the code red at the beginning. I can totally relate. My husband knows about my Instagram and liked one of my pictures not realizing that that makes it pop up for other people – and long story short, it did lol. I’m okay with some people knowing about it, but I also completely relate to your desire to keep them separate. Glad to hear that this happens to other people besides me!

    1. Kristen Burns

      Haha, I feel like non-bloggers wouldn’t get why we might not want real life people seeing our blog, but I’m glad you understand! Some people I don’t mind, it’s just others… not so much lol.