Book Review: Reborn (The World of Reforged Book 2) by Seth Hadden [Audiobook]

Izra has been having visions of Oren for years, but Oren doesn't believe in visions or fate or Izra's gods. But when a dangerous political situation throws the two men together, all of Oren's beliefs will be challenged.

Book Cover - Reborn by Seth Haddon
Title: Reborn
Book Number: Book 2
Pages: 346
My Rating: 4 Stars
More Info: Goodreads // Amazon // Publisher


I wasn’t super into it this at first, I wasn’t very into the fantasy world politics, but then the romance started to draw me in more, and that made me care more about the politics and overall plot because the stakes felt more personal to the characters at that point. The story ended up having some nice angst and tension with the characters being on the run together but also dealing with a coup and gods and magic.

I guess this was technically a fated romance, and it did happen fairly quickly, but it didn’t feel too forced or sudden the way those usually do for me. I believed they were into each other and felt a pull to each other, and they definitely had chemistry. (This author does know how to write a good sex scene.) Maybe they didn’t know every detail about each other, but they were in the kind of situation that shows you who a person is. Their romance was sweet and sexy, and I liked it.

The writing itself was enjoyable and flowed nicely and kept me in the story.

The audiobook narration by Gary Furlong was superb. Different accents, different voices, I was immersed, I was never confused, and it all sounded natural and fit the flow of the sentences and the emotions of the scenes.

You don’t need to have read the first book in the series. This takes place in the same world, but it’s about different characters, and I don’t think you’ll be missing any particularly important information.

Overall, it took me a little bit to get into it, but I ended up enjoying it more than the first and liking the tension-filled story and sweet, sexy romance!

*Rating: 4 Stars // Read Date: 2024 // Format: Audiobook*


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