It was a lot easier to find covers with Big Ben on them than you would think it would be, even when sticking mostly to sci-fi and fantasy. I mean, I knew this would be a topic at some point, so I started bookmarking any covers I stumbled on with Big Ben, so that made it easy when it came time to make the post, but still, there are more out there than I would've thought! Anyway, I've never been to...
Posts with Tag: The Heartless City
Yay, it's time for one of my favorite posts of the whole year because this is the post in which I get to talk about ALL the books that I loved most all at once! It's a post full of happiness and good feelings, and I get to reminisce about the highlights of my reading year. What more can any book blogger ask for? Anyway, I debated how to do this. I mean, there are standalones, there are complete...
So you know how I usually choose ten covers/series for my Cover Characteristic posts? Well... Hahahahahahahahaha---Not happening this time. I don't know what happened this year, if it was just coincidence or if I started judging books more by their covers and letting myself be drawn in by all the pretty ones, but I read SO MANY books with gorgeous covers this year, and I want to share them all....
Alright, peeps. It's that time of year again when I tell you all about my favorite characters! I know this probably won't be my most popular post, but I love it nonetheless because characters are my lifeblood. They are what gives me the emotion and the feels when I read, and that's what I love most in books. I might still sometimes give a book a high rating even without great characters if it's...
I wasn't planning on doing this tag since I've never actually done any tags before, but I figured this would be my one and only chance since the Olympics don't last very long and won't be around for another four years... So here I am! Doing my first tag. I have to admit I don't watch many of the sports, but, since I used to be a gymnast, I am always super excited about the summer Olympics just...
This topic came at a perfect time because I've recently discovered, contrary to what I previously believed, that I really like historical fantasy. I know historical *fantasy* is not quite the same as non-fantasy historical books since they often alter the history, but I've found they still make interesting use of the settings and cultures, and it's still different than if the book had been set in...
It's 1903 and the city of London has been quarantined for 13 years due to the Hyde drug, originally created by Dr. Jekyll, an experiment that went horribly wrong and created a city of heart-eating monsters. Elliot, a 17-year-old who accidentally made himself an empath when he tried to escape his troubles with a serum he created, is struggling to cope with his new abilities and his life in general...
I HAVE HAD SUCH A GREAT BOOKISH WEEK!!! But if I explain it all here in the intro it will just get redundant, so you'll have to keep reading to find out why :-P Actually, screw the intro, I've too much to talk about...